Properties of a Summary control

Configure the Summary control under the following tabs:


Name Description


The type of the control.


A unique name for the control.


The supplementary information that displays by hovering the mouse over the control at runtime.


Enables the control at runtime. (Default: Selected)

Security token

Makes the information in the form secure. See Security tokens.

Title text

The title text for the control.

You cannot enter special characters in the title text field.

Session ID

A Session ID validates and identifies the currently logged-on user. The session ID can be a global variable, form variable, or form control.

Resource ID

A Resource ID (such as a supervisor) helps to identify and monitor the workload of another individual resource, group, or role.

The resource ID can be a form field, form variable, global variable, an inline value, or an action. The information displayed is based on property.

  • The session ID must be valid.

  • When you map both the Session ID and Resource ID to the control, at runtime the resource information is displayed based on the Resource ID.

  • When you only map the Session ID and not the Resource ID to the control, at runtime the resource information is displayed based on the Session ID.

Work type

The work type to show activity or job details relevant to it. (Default: None)

Refresh interval

The interval at which the summary should be refreshed automatically. The default interval setting of zero (0) specifies that the content is not refreshed.