Configure an Extraction activity

Use the following procedure to configure an Extraction activity.

  1. Add an activity to the map.

    By default, the Configuration tab is open in the properties panel of the activity.

  2. Change the default Name of the activity to something meaningful.
  3. On the Type list, select Capture > Extraction.
  4. On the Input document/folder list, select a document or folder variable that will hold the document or folder from which you want to extract data. See Create a document variable and Create a folder variable.

    Extraction activity allows additional input variables to be configured in addition to the extraction configuration.

  5. Select one of the following for Reject documents on exceptions.
    • Use system level setting (default): The system rejects the documents or pages or suspends the job based on the selection of the "Reject documents on exceptions" option in the System settings. For more information, see General.

    • Enabled: All the Transformation server activities reject documents or pages instead of suspending the job when an error occurs. The job continues forward to check for rejected documents and handles the documents accordingly.

    • Disabled: The system suspends the activity on exception.

  6. Configure partial completion of the activity. For more information see Partial completion.
  7. Save the process map.
  8. Configure other properties for the activity. See Activity properties.