Configuration of a Job list control

Configure the display properties for a Job list control.

Name Description

Show header action button

Display text for the header action button.

Displays the action list on the header.

If cleared, you cannot select an action for all jobs once.

Show resource pictures

Displays the resource pictures at runtime. (Default: Clear)


Allows the selection of multiple activities.


The title for the control.


Display actions as

Select either style to display the actions at runtime:

  • Dropdown: Displays the actions in a drop-down list.
  • Icon list: Displays the actions as image icons. By default, the View job, Suspend, Activate, and Terminate actions are selected.

  • On upgrading TotalAgility from an earlier version, the "Display actions as" option is set as "Dropdown" by default.

  • On a clean install of TotalAgility or when you import the workspace package on an upgrade, the "Display actions as" option is set as "Icon list" by default.

Configure the following job list actions.

View Job

Change Owner

On Hold

Change State


Re-evaluate Skin


Re-evaluate Score


Re-evaluate Pre-conditions


View Documents

Add Note

View Notes

See Edit the Job list actions.