Configure a Composite activity

Use the following procedure to configure a Composite activity.

  1. Add an activity to the map.

    By default, the Configuration tab is open in the properties panel of the activity.

  2. Change the default Name of the activity to something meaningful.
  3. On the Type list, select Capture > Composite.
  4. On the Input document/folder list, select a document or folder variable to configure the input for the Composite activity. See Create a document variable and Create a folder variable. However, if you use a Document type variable as input, you cannot add a Classification action.
  5. Configure Actions for the activity:
    1. Click for Actions.
      The Actions dialog box is displayed.
    2. On the Actions list, select one of the following Actions.
      Option Description
      Image processing

      1. Enter a Name for the action.
      2. On the Scan/VRS profiles list, select a Scan/VRS profile.
      3. To improve performance, select Convert page images to TIFF. To retain the original image format, clear the option.
      4. By default, thumbnails are generated for the images in a format other than TIFF. To stop generating thumbnails for the images, clear Generate image thumbnails.

        Generate image thumbnails option is enabled only when you clear Convert page images to TIFF.

      5. Select Save page PDF data to allow the original PDF source file to split into single page PDF files and these page PDF representations are saved on page level as binary extensions. This allows you to preserve additional data stored in the PDF file.

      6. In the Scanned image group, do either of the following:
        • To inherit page renditions from the process, select Inherit settings from process. The rendition fields for the activity become unavailable.
        • To save the input image as page rendition, clear Inherit settings from process, select Save as rendition, and select a Page rendition.
      7. Click OK.


      1. Enter a Name for the action.
      2. On the Separation profile list, select the separation profile.
      3. To inherit a classification group from the process, select Inherit from process.
      4. To select a classification group specific to the Composite activity and not inherit from the process,

        clear Inherit classification group from process and select a different Classification group or dynamically set the classification group using a String variable (process or server). The variable holds the GUID of a classification group. You can copy the GUID from the classification group. See General properties of a classification group.

      5. Click OK.


      1. Enter a Name for the action.
      2. Click OK.

  6. Select one of the following for Reject documents on exceptions.
    • Use system level setting (default): The system rejects the documents or pages or suspends the job based on the selection of the "Reject documents on exceptions" option in the System settings. For more information, see General.

    • Enabled: All the Transformation server activities reject documents or pages instead of suspending the job when an error occurs. The job continues forward to check for rejected documents and handles the documents accordingly.

    • Disabled: The system suspends the activity on exception.

  7. Configure partial completion of the activity. See Partial completion.
  8. Save the process map.
  9. Configure other properties for the activity. See Activity properties.