Check out status search

Search for the list of items that are checked out to GitHub by all users so that you can undo the checkout if needed. You can track the list-based item name, item type and the resource who checked out the item. You can also search for the package definition that is checked out to GitHub.

  1. Navigate to System > System settings > GitHub > Check out status search.

    The Check out status search dialog box is displayed.

  2. You can search for the checked-out items based on the following criteria. You can also search for a combination of items, for example, search for all the forms or processes checked out by a resource.
    • To search based on name, enter the Item name, and click Search.

      The items matching the specified item name are displayed.

    • To search based on the specific item type, select the Type (default: All), such as Business process, and click Search.

      The list of all business processes that are checked out to GitHub is displayed.

    • To search for a checked-out package, on the Type list, select Package and click Search.

    • To search based on the resource who checked out the item, on the Checked out to list, select the resource name, and click Search.

    The search results display the following details: item name, category, and resource who checked out the item.

    Click Reset to clear the specified search criteria and search results.

  3. To undo checkout, on the context menu of the searched item, such as a business process, click Undo check out.
    A prompt appears stating the undo checkout will keep the local copy of items. On confirmation, the checkout is successful regardless of which resource has checked out the item.