
.NET activity

A method that allows Kofax software to interact with software components developed for the Microsoft .NET Framework. (Also called .Net Method)

.Net assemblies

An option in the TotalAgility Integration menu that lets you add a .Net assembly path that enables access to assembly components within a .NET activity or action.


See Application Programming Interface.

Access control list

A TotalAgility feature that lets you configure settings to grant privileges and restrict user access to different areas and functions of TotalAgility.


In TotalAgility processes and forms, specifies how to initiate an activity or event. For example, you can configure the clicking of a Credit Score button to initiate a database query or a .Net method action.

A job that is currently in an active state, that is actively progressing or in a state to progress.

A step within a process map. Activity types vary and can initiate different types of events. For example, an Email activity might initiate an email notification and a .NET activity might initiate access to a database table.

Activity action button

A control that provides a predefined set of actions that can be performed on an activity.

Activity assertion

A type of assertion on an activity status (only pending) and activity assignment in the parent job or active sub job or embedded process.

Activity form

A type of form that enables you to complete manual activities of a map. This form can be associated with the activity and at run time, you can then take and complete activities.

Activity notification

The property of a process or activity that notifies a user through email that the work is pending in their work queue.

Activity variant

A variant that can be created for a document type variant that enables multiple resources to validate a document in stages with the visible fields considered valid for the activity but possibly invalid for the document.

Adaptive Feature Classifier

This content classifier performs an analysis of the textual representation of a document and automatically classifies it into a class. If a class has content classification enabled, this classifier is used during classification. See also Content Classification.

Add document to document set activity

An activity that helps you add mandatory documents within the process that are dependent on certain conditions (document rules) to the document set at runtime.


A landing page used by a task to view the health of the system and perform administration tasks such as reactivating suspended jobs and logging out users.


A task displayed on the work queue that notifies a user about escalations to allow the user to act appropriately.


An item that you can add to a business process or activity. Annotations provide added information during process design.

Application Analytics
Kofax regularly collects technical product usage data to understand how TotalAgility is being used.
Application Programming Interface (API)

A source code interface that a computer system or program library provides to support requests for services by a computer program.

Apply validation action
An action that can be used to validate the available controls on a form and update the User Interface based on the Valid flag of the controls and show any errors if the control is invalid.
Archive finished jobs
A system setting that allows you to archive the finished jobs.
A logical check to test whether the items you are testing in a process are correct.

A TotalAgility feature that lets you see what form, controls, and events are used within a selected form, or what process, variables are used within a process or activity. Associations let you determine the possible impact of changes you plan to make.


An item that you can add to an activity within a business process to provide additional information.

Auto arrange
A system setting that automatically rearranges the process layout when you add a new node or connect to a different node in a process.
Automatic activity
An activity that once configured, the system performs without human interaction.
Awaiting associated case completion
An associated job that is completed and awaiting case completion.
Awaiting associated jobs completion
The case that is completed but still has active associated jobs.
Backup server statistics
A system setting that displays the backup server details (if installed). If the primary server license fails to connect, the system automatically uses the backup server license.
Bar code and patch code detection activity
The bar code and patch code detection activity lets you to access the detected bar codes and patch codes within the process.
Bar code and patch code profile
The bar code or patch code profile lets you easily access the detected bar codes and patch codes within a process.
Branching rules

The property of an activity that lets you model complex business logic that specifies which destination node to activate based on the rules defined for each node.


The amount of money allocated to a process.

Business Process Management (BPM)
A management approach that focuses on aligning an organization with the needs of its customers and clients and improving effectiveness and efficiency through established workflows and processes.
Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)

A graphical representation used to map business processes in a business process model.

Business Rule Logging

An Administration option in the Workspace that allows viewing the history of a business rule and in turn can help debug the rule and make necessary changes.

Business alert

An automated action that occurs when a target threshold is met. Alerts are business processes that can be as simple as an email interaction, or as complex as the changing operational parameters of the business.

Business calendar

A calendar that is used to specify working days and hours during which jobs can take place.

Business data
Business data allows you to easily modify the business parameters used in a rule. For example, you might set the interest rate as a business parameter in a loan application and change it as needed to reflect the business circumstances without having to edit the actual rule.
Business event

Key events that are monitored and managed by the business users to monitor performance against targets. For example, you can define a Sales event that records the name of the salesperson and the total sale amount. You can execute the event within a sales process when the sale is complete.

Business rule

A complex business logic that can be easily and quickly built without any programming and can be utilized within business processes.

Business rule - Decision table
A simplified version of a business rule that provides a simplified experience for the user using a tabular approach in which the user can easily read the conditions and view the outcome.
Business rule - Decision tree
Aa simplified version of a business rule that offers a top-down approach while still providing a visual design experience.
Business rule activity

An activity that helps you use predefined business rules to define workflow logic in your process maps.


An option in the Integration menu of TotalAgility that allows you to use the capabilities of Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) to provide interoperability between ECM systems.

CMIS add document activity

An automatic activity that creates a document in a Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) compliant site.

CMIS cancel checkout document activity

An automatic activity that discards changes made to a document that was checked out from a CMIS-compliant site.

CMIS check in activity

An automatic activity that checks in a document to a repository in a CMIS-compliant site.

CMIS create folder activity

An automatic activity that creates a folder in a CMIS-compliant site.

CMIS find document activity

In a CMIS-compliant site, an automatic activity that searches for documents held in a repository using the document metadata as the search criteria.

CMIS get document activity

An automatic activity that retrieves or checks out a copy of a document from the selected CMIS-compliant site.

CMIS update document activity

An automatic activity that updates the metadata of an existing document in a selected CMIS-compliant site.

Calculation activity

An activity that helps you set the value of one or more variables using free text, variables, operators, and functions.

Capture configurable keys

An option in the System settings menu of TotalAgility that allows to configure the hotkeys to execute an event. TotalAgility provides default hotkeys for various commands.

Capture operations
A system setting that allows assigning access permissions to resources and groups to permit or restrict access to each capture action within a capture composite control
Capture users
Users involved in the capture steps of a process.
Capture volume
The number of pages that a license allows a licensee to capture per year.

  • A complex workflow that can require user interaction and contain decision points, embedded processes, and fragments.

  • In the TotalAgility Workspace, an occurrence of a case process that is running.

Case Worker

A landing page used by a case worker to view the list of cases assigned to them, irrespective of whether there is work pending; a work queue within a case, including work assigned to other people and other case-related content.

Case health control

A control on a form that is used to display the key details of a case and visually indicates the health of a case illustrating the overall status and progress of a case.

Case variable

A process variable that is specific to a Case definition.


A keyword or phrase that helps you keep track of large numbers of resources, variables, and process maps in TotalAgility. It is useful in organizing, finding, sorting, or grouping related items such as process maps and variables.


A list of items that assist in building quality sampling and checking into a form. Use checklists to guide inexperienced users through the process so that they have a clear idea of what they need to do to complete a task.

Checklist items

Items in a checklist that assist in building quality sampling and checking into your processes and forms.

Checklist template

Group of one or more commonly used checklist items that can be used in multiple processes.

Checklist variable

A variable, which holds the checklist information that can be used for quality checking and sampling.

Clashing variables

Process variables on the imported process map existing as server variables on the server.


The process of determining the document type, a so-called class, to which a document belongs. There are two basic groups of classifiers: the layout classifier (Layout Classifier) which uses the layout of a document to determine its class and the content classifiers (Adaptive Feature Classifier (AFC) and the Instruction Classifier) which use the extracted text to determine the class of a document.

Classification activity

An automatic activity that lets you classify documents into specific folders based on document types.

Classification group

The projects that contain settings for classification and document separation. Use classification group projects to separate and classify a set of documents. If you open a Classification group project in the Transformation Designer, you can only change classification and document separation settings.

Client application

An application that internally uses the Data Layer to access the content database.

Compare packages

A feature that helps you to compare Smart Process Application (SPA) packages with respect to the items that have changed between versions. The items which are different in the selected packages are highlighted.

The jobs that have completed their lifecycle as designed.
Complex variable

A variable that is used to hold tabular or array-based data values, for example, a list of product details.

Complex variable activity
A complex variable activity allows you to manipulate the contents of a complex variable.
A feature that allows the designer to combine activities to enable multiple capture actions such as Image processing, Classification and Separation and Extraction. The combined activities perform as a unit and operate on one set of data.
Composite action
An action that is used to execute multiple actions from within one action.
Condition action

An action that is used to define conditions related to an event firing.

Condition activity
An activity that allows you to define branching rules in a decision tree business rule. This activity is only available when configuring a decision tree.
Confirmation message

The property of a button control that is used to specify a confirmation message to be displayed on clicking a button in a deployed form.

Connection string

A string that contains the details of a database connection, that is, a data source, the name of the database on the data source to connect, the user ID and the password to login. A sample connection string:

workstation id="database server name";packet size=4096;integrated security=SSPI;data source=".";persist security info=False;initial catalog=data base name.

Content Manager Add document activity

An automatic activity that is used to create or check in a document to a Content Manager system.

Content Manager Create folder activity

An automatic activity that is used to create a folder in a selected Content Manager system.

Content Manager Get document activity

An automatic activity that is used to download or check out a document from a selected Content Manager system.

Content Manager document search form

A form provided in TotalAgility, which when included in your site, allows you to search, retrieve, and view any file located in a Content Manager system.

Content Services
Formerly the Resource server.
Content Transformation Server
The server where document processing and transformation occurs. This server also performs PDF generation and image processing. Formerly the CPU server or Content Processing server.
Content classification

This type of classification uses the OCR results and makes use of the extracted content of a document to classify it. This type of classification is used when the layout of a document varies from document to document. See also Adaptive Feature Classifier.

Content database

A storage area for all documents and metadata, organized in a folder structure.


A control is something, such as a hyperlink or a button that permits an action to be performed and an event to be executed on a form. For example, you can save your input information to the database by clicking a button at the bottom of your form.

Control layouts
An option in the Capture menu of TotalAgility that lets you use the Capture control layouts to create capture form layouts.
An option in the Integration menu of TotalAgility that lets you integrate with ControlSuite; it allows you to send the document images and document metadata to the ControlSuite server from the ControlSuite activity.
ControlSuite activity
An activity that sends documents and document metadata to the ControlSuite server and initiates a workflow.
Conversion Layer
A Data Layer extension that supports the conversion of data objects like folders and documents to a format for use by the Transformation Designer.

A card available on the landing pages of both TotalAgility Designer and TotalAgility Apps that opens the generative AI experience. Use Copilot to create processes, case definitions, fragments, business rules, and custom services by specifying what you want to build, such as approving a loan or onboarding an employee.

Create new job activity

An activity used to create a new job within a process map which executes independently of the main process map.

Create new job form

A type of form that helps you generate forms for one or more process maps. At run time, this form is used to create jobs, cases, and jobs in cases on a selected process.

Create subjob activity

An activity used to create subjobs for a business process. This activity is an independent reusable process that is started by the main business process. A subjob must be completed before the main business process can continue.

Currency codes

An option in the System data menu of TotalAgility that is used to format text boxes within forms. Associating a currency code with a text box allows to mask the symbol and format in which the data is entered at runtime. This ensures the mask for data entry corresponds to the browser locale. For example, the format to enter Euros in Germany is different from entering the value when in Ireland.

Custom action button control
A control used to create a button that provides a drop-down list of options or an image list of options. This button can be used on a form or within a table on a form.
Custom pages

An option in the User interface menu of TotalAgility that allows you to upload custom files from your machine and use them as any regular form.

Custom service activity
An automatic activity that can be used in a business process, case definition custom service, and business rule to include custom logic.
Custom services

A business process type that enables you to provide custom logic that can be made available for use within a process, business rule, case definition or form.

DB query

An action that enables you to easily connect and interact with a selected relational database and design access for operations such as Select, Add, Update and Delete.

Data Access Service

The Data Access Service (DAS) is a user-friendly application that can be integrated with any supporting hosting application and is used to access a relational database.

Data Layer
A set of .NET assemblies that expose the contents of the Content Database.
Data Object variable
You can create a process variable based on a data model. The data held within the structure can be used in processes and forms using the data object variable.
Data access activity

An activity that enables you to easily access (that is, read, write, and update) a relational database using the Data Access Service (DAS).

Data list
An activity that helps you to manipulate the repeating data within a data object.
Data model
A data model is a user-defined data structure that represents a collection of data. Data models simplify integration with REST APIs and reduce database storage space. A data model is used to group data.
Database connections

An option in the Integration menu of TotalAgility that allows you to create a shortcut containing a connection string to help you connect and interact with a selected relational database.

An option in TotalAgility that allows debugging of process maps and forms at runtime. Debugging increases efficiency as issues can be identified much quicker when developing a solution.
Decision text

The property of a decision that lets you specify a condition to determine which path the process will take.


Allocating new activities from one resource to another for a specified period. Delegation is not the reassignment of activities therefore the activities appear on the work queue of both resources.

Delete activity
An automatic activity that removes a single document or folder. Removing a folder also removes all folder content.

Activities or decisions that the current activity is dependent on for completion.

Deployment configuration
An option in the Packages menu of TotalAgility that lets you create different deployment configurations for a package by defining different values for a global variable, server variable, web service integration, device settings (Kofax Front Office Server settings), transformation settings, and Export Connector settings based on different types of deployment targets, such as test and production environments.
Deployment schedule
An option in the system that is used for continuous deployment of packages from one server to multiple deployment servers at the scheduled time. Once a deployment schedule is active, the system kicks in the next scheduled time.
Deployment server

A system setting that allows you to configure one or more deployment servers, such as test and production and automatically deploy solutions or updates between environments. When the solution is ready to be deployed, you can compare both servers to ensure there are no discrepancies and then can deploy the package to the target server with a single click.

An activity that is used to view and implement any design changes requested from a TotalAgility Apps user.

A standalone product that can create processes and enhance the process of screen development and maintainability. It provides a means of automatic generation of forms and screens, as well as providing the ability to manipulate these forms and screens.

Developer tools
This option lets you to generate the JSON payload for the specific business rule, current process, or a specific activity and the selected API or method, to quickly get the JSON request and response.
Device create new job form
A Kofax TotalAgility form that is used to process documents on Multi-Function Peripherals (MFPs) and mobile devices.

A System Settings option that lets you maintain settings for MFP and mobile devices directly from TotalAgility.

Display rule action

A set of rules for one or more fields on the form along with associated actions when the rule conditions are met.


A file containing one or more pages representing a written communication. Examples: Invoice or loan application.

A form that generates Scan, Validation, Verification, and Document Review forms for an Extraction group.

Document Clustering

The Clustering feature is intended for clustering unstructured documents using content classification. In addition, Clustering provides the ability to group documents with an identical layout. The clustering process is semi-automatic and user-guided, and in most cases, you need to categorize only a small portion of the documents manually. This way you can set up classification in a new project with less effort.

Document conversion activity
An activity used to apply all the document conversion and normalization parameters configured in the document conversion profile to any document independent of the source of import.
Document conversion profiles

A document conversion profile contains conversion settings that lets you convert incoming documents. You can create one document conversion profile and reuse it in various process maps. Also, multiple document conversion profiles can be created to cater to different documents types.

Document creation activity

An automatic activity that is used to create different document types within a process map such as a document or an HTML file (a web page).

Document review
  • Activity: A manual activity that allows for the examination of documents and folders within a capture process.
  • Form: A form generated based on a Document review activity.
Document rules
An option in a business process type that lets you define rules to the documents in a document set to determine whether the document set is valid.
Document set

A group of related documents that can be managed either individually or as a single entity. Use the document set available on the business process modeling bar that lets you add documents and define document rules to the document set and determine whether the document set is valid.

Document set control

A form control that allows an administrator or customer to have appropriate views and perform operations on the document types and associated documents within the document set.

Document templates

An option in the System data menu of TotalAgility that allows you to upload custom document templates that can be used in the document creation node in a process.

Document variant
Variants of document type can be created to specify which fields to ignore in a document at runtime. Multiple variants can be created.
Draw mask
A button on the Web capture control that lets you draw the area to mask the image.
A drawer provides the first hierarchical level of organization for Content documents. It is used to separate documents into logical categories and is often defined as a department or function.
Dynamic Link Library (DLL)

A library that is linked to application programs when they are loaded or run rather than as the final phase of compilation. This means that the same block of library code can be shared between several activities rather than each activity containing copies of the routines it uses.

Dynamics AX

An option in the Integration menu of TotalAgility that lets you integrate with Dynamics AX (2009 and 2012) in TotalAgility.

Dynamics CRM

An option in the Integration menu of TotalAgility that lets you integrate TotalAgility with CRM systems.

Dynamics CRM activity

An automatic activity that is used to perform multiple actions such as create, update, retrieve, and delete business unit entity instances in a Microsoft Dynamics CRM system.

Else condition action
An action used to make form actions more flexible and easier to read. At runtime, all the actions within the Else condition are executed if the Begin condition is not met.
Email activity

An automatic activity that is used to send emails through any SMTP-compatible server.

Embedded process

An existing process map that can be embedded into another process.

End node

A marker that indicates the end of a process or the end of a branch within the process. Every process requires at least one End node.


Business data objects that enable you to group the data for your business object in one container (such as name, address, and so on.) and can be identified by a unique identifier (such as Employee, Customer, Product, and so on).

Entity instance control

A control on a form that is used to create entity instances on your form.

Error codes

Text codes that can be localized and used in parts of the system as needed.


An option in TotalAgility that helps you associate actions to a form or form control on an event happening such as the click of a button, change of field, load of form, and so on.

Event assertion

A type of assertion on event count within the parent job or active sub job or case or embedded process.

Event handling

Automated event management capability to react to changes in the business environment; it enables the system to take some action when a defined scenario or potential problem occurs.


Process exceptions are raised by the system when situations arise within the running of a process, such as an SLA not being met.


An option in the Integration module of TotalAgility that lets you add, modify, and delete an Exchange site and configure TotalAgility actions for a "New Mail" exchange event.

Exchange server get attachments activity

An automatic activity that obtains all the files attached to your email and routes the attachments to a specific destination.

Execute step
An option in the process testing that lets you execute tests for each test case and on the test plan associated with the test suite’s process. If a test case within the plan fails, the test plan stops executing at that point and the remaining test plans continue.
Expected cost

The overall expected cost of performing a job or an activity.

Expected duration

The expected time it should take to complete the job.

An option in the main menu of TotalAgility that allows you to export process maps, forms, packages, and languages.
Export Connector
See Kofax Export Connector.
Export activity
An automatic activity that routes documents and folders to a back-end system using the export connectors that are associated with the document type and process.
External key/ Credential storage
An option in the Integration menu of TotalAgility that allows customers to store encryption keys, TotalAgility integration credentials, and connection strings in an external repository such as Azure Key Vault or AWS Secrets Manager and more.
External resource
An option in the Resources menu of TotalAgility that allows you to add external users to TotalAgility. These resources are used within floating roles and have limited access to TotalAgility.

The process in which a recognition engine identifies information on a document that can later be used to identify specific characters.

Extraction activity

An automatic activity that retrieves selected data from documents and stores the data in a pre-defined location.

Extraction group

A group of one or more document types that is used to classify and process documents.

Projects that contain settings for extraction and are used to process previously classified documents. Extraction Group projects retrieve data from documents. For example, if you open an Extraction group project in Transformation Designer, you can only change extraction settings such as customer name and address.

Federated security

A process to verify the identity of the users and system processes. TotalAgility uses a claim-based identity or Federated security system for authentication.

Field formatters

An option in the Capture menu of TotalAgility that forces the content of extracted fields into a predefined format for consistency. For example, "amount" may contain both periods and commas (1,500.00). Use the Amount field formatter to reformat the result to numeric values (1500).

Field validators
An option in the Capture menu of TotalAgility that helps you to define the field validators globally and reuse them on specific fields so that you do not have to define the validators multiple times. You can use the field validators at the field level of document types and folder types.
Field zoom settings
An option in the Capture menu of TotalAgility that allows you to configure the zoom area for each document field.
Jobs that are completed or terminated.
Fixed cost

Fixed cost is the cost of the activity irrespective of its length (duration) or who completes it.

Fixed role

A role whose members are defined against the process

Floating role

A role whose members are job specific and allocated on a per-job basis (at run time).

Folder Form
A type of form that is used to generate Scan, Validation, Verification, and Document review forms for a folder type.
The manual grouping documents into folders. You can configure auto-foldering rules to generate a folder based on bar code type and bar code value.
An option in the Capture menu of TotalAgility that lets you group one or more folder types that help classify and process documents.

An electronic page containing fields and spaces that require a user to enter information manually.

Form data

Variables that hold data at the form level and can be used wherever required within the form.

Form template
A template with predefined sections of a form containing several controls in a specific layout along with actions. Form templates can be used on multiple forms.
Form variant
Variants of a form can be created to dynamically hide or disable controls and columns or change the label text to display at runtime for all form types except for Capture forms and Device create new job forms. Create multiple variants on one generic form and present it differently depending on the variant in use.

Sub-processes that are initiated and used within a case process and that cannot be used by other processes or cases. For example, if a customer must submit two forms of ID, and the submitted forms do not match, a case fragment might initiate a request for a third form of ID. Case fragments:

  • Are dependent on the case in which they are created and cannot be reused by other processes or cases.
  • Inherit the properties of the Case from which they are called.


A tab in the Properties panel of a process, activity, form, control, and others where general properties are defined.

Generalized export

An export feature that enables you to export your process map in a state where the process can be imported and run without any further setup.

Generative AI
A class of artificial intelligence techniques and models that are designed to generate new, original content that resembles human-created data.
Generative AI action
An action type used to generate the output using the Generative AI functionality in a form at runtime.
Generative AI activity
An activity type that helps to pass a request to the AI provider within your process (all process types and flow rules).
Generative AI chat control

A control that is used to request the AI provider questions to help complete the activities.

Global variables

Variables available for use on any form.


A logical grouping of people within the organization.

Group members persona

A feature that helps update all members of a group, including subgroups to have the same persona.


A fixed location at the top of the form where you can insert information, such as the company logo and form heading.

The default web page that loads when you log on to TotalAgility after a clean installation.
Horizontal rule

The lines drawn across the window to separate sections of a page, enhance the look and feel of a form, and denote a change of context.

Image processing
A feature that performs updates similar to those performed by virtual rescan (VRS).
Image processing activity

An automatic activity that processes images that are imported with a process.

Image quality analysis activity
An activity used to analyze the quality of an image without the need to process or update the page image. This activity determines if the image has any issues such as glare, shadow, focus, and blur that may impact extraction results.

An option in the User interface menu of TotalAgility that lets you upload custom images.

The process of receiving information from a capture-related or process-related service.
Import settings

An option in the Integration menu of TotalAgility that lets you set up the system to receive documents through external systems such as POP3, IMAP, and SMTP.

Import slots
An option in the KCM Compose activity that allows the calling application such as Kofax TotalAgility to provide a document such as a scanned document, to a slot in a document pack. The document thus becomes a part of the document pack and can be distributed along with the rest of the contents of the document pack.
Import targets

An option in the Business Monitoring module of TotalAgility that allows you to import business targets.


An option on the File tab of an item that displays the general information such as the last modified date, last modified resource, and version.

Initialization data

The values used in the test case for test execution.

Initialization parameters

The values required at the onset of job creation.

Input types
The input types are the preconfigured quick controls (Textbox) available on the forms toolbox so that you can easily add them to a form

A TotalAgility menu that lets you define and deliver reports, dashboards, and business analysis on demand.


An occurrence of a process that is running. For example, a TotalAgility customer designs a loan application process to deploy from the customer's bank website. The bank activates and deploys the process. A bank customer accesses the loan application, which starts an occurrence of the loan application process deployed by the bank. A second bank customer seeking a loan accesses the application and starts a second occurrence of the loan application process. Each running occurrence is an instance of the process that is running.


A TotalAgility menu that lets you integrate a business process with the following external applications and services: SharePoint, Dynamics CRM, Dynamics AX, CMIS, Micro Focus Content Manager, Microsoft Exchange, RPA, Insight, Linked Servers, Kofax SignDoc, and KCM. Use the Integration module to set up the system to receive documents through import sources such as POP3, IMAP, SMTP, EWS, FoIP, FILE, and External Fax Server.

Interactive capture
An activity that can be initiated from an application and that occurs synchronously in real-time with low latency and rapid response.

In the TotalAgility Workspace, an instance of a business process that is running.

Job action
A control that provides a predefined set of actions that can be performed on a job or case.
Job clear down

A system setting that lets you remove live and finished jobs from the database. For example, this setting lets you remove live jobs that you created for testing.

Job in Case
In the TotalAgility Workspace, an instance of a running case fragment that references a specific case.
Job list control

A form control used to search for jobs, display results of job search, view job properties, and perform operations on jobs.

Job owner activity

An automatic activity that assigns a resource to the job as owner. The assignment gives the owner visibility into jobs in which they are interested and for which they can search.

Job query

A query that is used to search for required jobs.

Job scheduler

An option in the System Settings module in TotalAgility where one or more jobs can be scheduled to run at specific periods or intervals.

Job statuses

The following job statuses are available in TotalAgility Workspace.

  • Active: A job that is currently in an active state, that is actively progressing or in a state to progress.

  • Live and finished: A job that is currently live or finished.

  • Finished: Jobs that are completed or terminated.

  • Live: Jobs that are either not completed, terminated, awaiting completion, or awaiting termination.

  • Completed: Jobs that have completed their lifecycle as designed.

  • Ready for evaluation: Jobs that are in the process of reevaluating what should happen next.

  • Pending: A job which has been completed, but there are taken activities.

  • Suspended: Jobs that are suspended but can manually be reactivated to get them up and running again.

  • Terminated: A job that has stopped processing before completing the lifecycle.

  • On hold: Jobs that are on hold for a specific time to delay all event processing. When a job is placed on hold, exceptions, milestones, and triggers are affected. When the hold time expires, the job moves to active status, and the job activities become pending.

  • Awaiting associated jobs completion: A case that is completed but still has active associated jobs.

  • Awaiting associated case completion: An associated job that is completed and awaiting case completion.

  • Terminated awaiting associated jobs completion: A terminated case awaiting completion of associated jobs.

  • Terminated awaiting associated case completion: An associated job that has been terminated and awaiting case completion.

  • Evaluation failed: Jobs that have failed evaluation.

Job variable activity

An automatic activity that obtains information from a job that raises an event. An event such as a job or cost overrun can trigger some business process maps, such as exception maps.


An option in the Integration menu of TotalAgility that lets you integrate one or more KCM (Kofax Communication Manager) standard servers to generate documents automatically and interactively.

KCM compose activity

An activity used to automatically generate and distribute communication documents to the end user as a part of the process flow. These documents are based on the templates defined in Customer Communication Manager (KCM).

KCM control

A control on a form that is used to interactively generate documents in KCM through a TotalAgility form.

KCM distribute activity

An activity used to distribute documents through print, email, portal, or SignDoc later from when the documents were created in the Kofax Communication Management. These documents can be distributed using a tenant in the cloud through an on-premise Kofax Communication Management installation.

KCM pack activity
An activity used to extract documents from a KCM pack.
Kofax Export Connector
A Windows utility that provides several connectors for communicating with other enterprise software applications.
Landing page

Forms used by personas to perform certain activities.

Language selector

A form control that is used to select a language in which the form must be displayed.

Layout classification

The process that classifies a document based on physical elements of its layout without the need for OCR data. This type of classification should be used when a document has a consistent layout. See also Content Classification.

Layout classifier

Any project can have a single layout classifier only. This classifier is used for each class that has layout classification enabled to perform layout classification.

Lead time

The period within which an activity can be taken.

Learn by Example

See Online Learning

License servers
A system setting that displays the license servers associated with your system and allows you to configure additional license servers as backup.
Limited user
User with limited permissions. A limited user can submit documents to launch a process or check process status. Limited users do not require authentication.
Linked servers

An option in TotalAgility that helps you define a two-way link between two separate TotalAgility installations and move documents between the linked servers to facilitate high-speed remote scanning.

Jobs that are either not completed, terminated, awaiting completion, or awaiting termination.
Live and finished
A job that is currently live or finished.

A configurable option that enables you to extract different types of data from a document. Each locator uses a predefined locator method that represents a specific type of extraction.

Lock status search

A TotalAgility feature that searches for all items locked by a particular user or all users. The feature can search for a combination of locked items, for example, ALL forms and processes or a specific form or process.

Logical Layer
A Data Layer extension that performs content operations on database objects.

A list of data items that can be reused across processes and forms.

Loop activity

An activity that helps you iterate through a list of data (array) and perform one or more steps against each row of data.


The property of an activity that loops an activity back to itself.

MFP form
A custom form that can be created for use only on a Multi-Function Peripheral Lexmark (MFP) device. Only the Tablet version (default) of the form can be created.
MFP print action
An action used to print a document on an MFP device. The Print action is only available for MFP forms.
MFP scan create new job form
A form that can be accessed from Lexmark MFP devices. A Scan Create New Job form not only creates the job but also enables documents to be scanned and associated with the job. Only the Tablet version (default) of the form can be created.
MFP scan take activity form
A form that can be accessed from Lexmark MFP devices. This form displays only the MFP-friendly activities. Desktop and Tablet versions of the form can be created.
MFP work queue form
A work queue form that can be accessed from Lexmark MFP devices. This form displays only the MFP-friendly activities. Only the Tablet version (default) of the form can be created.
Management Console

A menu in TotalAgility Workspace which is only available for a TotalAgility on-premise installation. The Management Console provides those with administrator privileges the visibility into the functioning of the entire deployment. It provides insight into what is happening now and what has happened recently so that areas of concern can be addressed, or the system can be optimized for future performance.

Manual activity
An activity that requires a person or other resource to perform.
Mark finished activity

An activity that helps you mark a document as finished, with a corresponding time stamp. This activity also marks the document as complete for reporting purposes.

Micro Focus Content Manager

An option in the Integration menu of TotalAgility that lets you integrate TotalAgility with Micro Focus Content Manager.


A reference point that marks a major event such as an important date or deadline in a business process.


A small field viewer window that is associated with the currently highlighted field. The mini-viewer shows a zoomed-in view of the corresponding portion of the document image. The size and zoom level for the mini-viewer adjust automatically to provide the best fit for the displayed content.

Miscellaneous files
An option to include supporting documentation such as the installation guide or other items that may be useful for using the package.
Mobile bar code capture

A phone or tablet form control that is used to read a bar code value.

Mobile capture

A phone or tablet form control that is used to capture an image.

Mobile capture user
A user using the Kofax Mobile Capture application (formerly "Mobile User").

A TotalAgility menu that helps you model business events and alerts to represent the key performance indicators for your business.

Multiview activity form

A type of form that allows you to take and complete an activity, but with the added functionality to view related items on the same page using a navigation menu.

Multiview form

A type of form that enables users to view different forms without navigating away from the form. This form can be thought of as a container that shows whatever other forms you want to view from within it.

Namespace bindings

Namespace bindings help in binding different XML applications to the same documents. They provide a method to avoid element name conflicts in an XML Expression.


A horizontal or vertical menu that directs the user from one form to another.

A tree view panel that displays the structure of folders and documents for the currently selected document.

A marker in TotalAgility that represents a start point, decision point, or stop point in a process.

  • To reduce confusion within the documentation, only use "node" when referring to the Start node, Decision node, and End node in a TotalAgility process. Refer to all other steps in a process as "activities."
  • If you use "node" to refer to something outside of TotalAgility, like part of a disc array, make sure that the context eliminates any confusion for the TotalAgility user.


Messages that are added to jobs or posted between resources.

OAuth servers
The OAuth authorization framework enables a third-party application to obtain limited access to an HTTP service, either on behalf of a resource owner by orchestrating an approval interaction between the resource owner and the HTTP service, or by allowing the third-party application (client) to obtain access on its behalf without having to expose its credentials.

The property of a milestone that enables you to specify whether a milestone will be achieved before or after the due date of the selected milestone (relative milestone).

On hold

Jobs that are on hold for a specific time to delay all event processing. When a job is placed on hold, exceptions, milestones, and triggers are affected. When the hold time expires, the job moves to active status, and the job activities become pending.

Online learning

A learn-by-example technology that uses a knowledge base to extract information from invoice documents. There are two different types of online learning:

  • Generic Online Learning: The extraction is based on keywords, data format, and position. These are generalized so they can be applied to unseen images from new suppliers.

  • Specific Online Learning: A knowledge base is used to extract information from invoice documents from known suppliers. Once a few samples from a supplier are trained, all invoices from that supplier can then be extracted with high confidence. Specific learning is performed on-the-fly without the need for administrative intervention. Keyboard operators identify documents where extraction was not successful, and they are automatically processed by the knowledge base Learning Server, which maintains a dynamic specific knowledge base.

Ordinary activity

An activity type that requires a resource to complete the activity. Also, the default activity type in the Process Designer.

PDF generation
An automatic activity that defines PDF settings for documents within a folder. Options for PDF include PDF image only, PDF Image + text, and PDF/A formats.
PDF profiles

An option in the Capture menu of TotalAgility that lets you configure settings for PDF documents.


A module in TotalAgility that lets you predefine the items for your Smart Process Application (SPA).

Page renditions

A feature in TotalAgility that allows saving multiple versions of an image. You can keep the original image intact and create a binarized version of the image to transform it and get better performance.

Parallel activities

The activities on a process map that refer to the situation where multiple activities can require attention at the same time and for the same job.

Partial completion

A feature that allows TotalAgility to send individual documents to the next activity in a process as separation and classification occurs. This streamlines processing by eliminating the need for all documents to finish separation and classification before moving on to the next activity.

Patch packages

An option in the packages which is a simplified version of a package that does not export associations and lets you to deploy a single item and no associated items to patch your solution.

A job which has been completed but there are taken activities.
Permanent redaction
A button on the Web Capture control that allows you to permanently alter the image so that you can remove sensitive information that should not reside in your database.

A feature that allows you to divide the target audience into individual groups of people to cater to different interests and needs.

Play button
An option in the process testing that allows you to execute the selected action. With a click of the play button, the job runs to that point.
Play list

An option in the process testing that displays all the configured assertions.

Point of Origination Device
A device used to capture information, including mobile devices, tablets, web portals, multi-function peripherals, and network scanners.
Pools and lanes
A visual representation of processes and participants related to your organization. A pool can have multiple lanes; you can place all related activities within different lanes to logically view and understand the process roles and sequence.

A rule, which must be met before an activity node can become pending.

Predictive model

A process by which a model is created to try and predict the likelihood of an outcome. For example, the success of a sale may depend on certain factors such as value of the sale or product type. Using a predictive model, you can analyze data from within a process and use this insight to prioritize tasks and make decisions to achieve the optimal outcome for your business.


A workflow comprising a start point, activities, optional decision points, and an end point. Activities can be linked serially or in parallel.

You can define two types of processes:

  • Ordinary process: A straightforward workflow that includes a clearly defined starting point, set of activities, and end point in a straight-forward unchanging sequence. Ordinary processes can include user interaction and embedded processes.

  • Case definition: A complex, unpredictable workflow that requires user interaction and can include decision points, embedded processes, and fragments.

Process Orchestration Server
Formerly the "TA server" or "TotalAgility server."
Process events

The means by which you can record when real events raised against a job have fired (occurred), which subsequently determines when a task, which has been in the Awaiting state can carry on or complete. TotalAgility can handle both external and inter-process events.

Process node colors
A system setting that allows you to set the standard colors for various activity types within the process for ease in identifying the activity type.
Process owner

The property of a process map that allows you to define a default process owner. If a process owner is not defined, the Author, that is, the resource who created the process is the default process owner.

Process state assertion

A type of assertion on the current process state value within the parent job or active sub job or case or embedded process (which are part of the parent job).

Process viewer control

A form control that is used to view the progress of a job (a live instance of a process) by providing a visual indication of what has been completed so far and the path taken, and what is remaining.


An option in the Reporting and Monitoring menu of TotalAgility Workspace that helps you view the productivity details of all the members and loaned resources of a particular team thus helping you be aware of the resource utilization at any point in time.

Protected items search
A feature in the System settings that allows you to search for the protected items, view the associations for these items to identify where all an item is being used and delete an item directly from TotalAgility.
Quick App
This option lets the workflow to be available for use within Quick Workflow and Quick RPA or Quick Capture.
Quick Apps
A module in the TotalAgility that lets you to deploy a Quick App solution to another server. You can also compare a solution before deploying it.
Quick Capture
Quick Capture is a web-based environment that allows you to create a basic workflow, design, configure fields and field validators, and make any additional decisions necessary to create a functional capture-enabled process.
Quick Classification
A simplified version of Transformation Designer that is citizen developer friendly and is designed to enable non-technical users the ability to modify existing classification groups.
Quick Rules
Use Quick rules to modify and unlock a business rule decision tree created in Kofax TotalAgility Designer.
Quick Skins
Quick Skins is a web-based environment that allows you to create skins quickly by using existing process templates created in TotalAgility Designer.
Quick Workflow

Quick Workflow enables you to create a workflow solution with little to no training required. You can design the flow that the solution should follow whilst making use of key data, business rules, processes, and custom services and the solution is generated in a single click. The solution is made up of several components - the process, supporting forms, work type, queries, and a dashboard to get you up and running very quickly providing an end-to-end experience for the users.

RESTful service activity

An activity that helps you integrate TotalAgility with external applications using the RESTful web service references.


An option in the Integration menu of TotalAgility that lets you integrate with RPA (Robotic Process Automation), a platform for application integration and process automation.

RPA activity
An automatic activity that is used to execute an RPA Robot from within a process.
Radio button list

A user interface element that is used when there is a list of two or more options that are mutually exclusive, and the user must select only one choice.

Reactivate license on backup
A system setting that allows you to reactivate the license on your backup server if it is about to expire.
Reactivate license on primary
A system setting that allows you to reactivate the license on your primary server if it is about to expire.
Ready for evaluation
Jobs that are in the process of reevaluating what should happen next.
Ready for review activity

An automatic activity that sets the checklist state in a process as ready for review. At run time, the current state of the checklist appears in read-only mode and the next column appears in edit mode.


A tangible object or digital information which has value to an organization, for example, birth certificates, medical x-rays, office documents, databases, application data, email, and the rest.

According to ISO, a record is "information created, received, and maintained as evidence and information by an organization or person, in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction of business".

According to the International Council on Archives (ICA) Committee on Electronic Records, a record is, "recorded information produced or received in the initiation, conduct or completion of an institutional or individual activity and that comprises content, context, and structure sufficient to provide evidence of the activity."

Refresh page rendition action

An action used to refresh page renditions on a form and accordingly enable or disable rendition buttons at runtime.

Regular expressions

An option in the System data menu that lets you define regular expressions to use in forms and validators.

Reporting tags
A tag that is associated with a process enables Kofax Analytics For TotalAgility to apply a custom filter on a report.

A person required to interact with the system and processes to perform work within an organization.

Resource Process Skill Level

An option in the Resources menu of TotalAgility Workspace that helps you dynamically assign skills for a process to a resource to ensure that the right work is assigned to the right resource.

Resource availability

An option in the Resources menu of TotalAgility Workspace that helps you to configure a global calendar for your company, and a personal calendar that is derived from the global calendar by configuring working patterns and other availability settings for yourself and your team members.

Resource tree control

A form control that is used to display the existing resources in a tree view.


A menu in TotalAgility that helps you create workers and groups that interact with the system and your processes.

Retention policy

A system setting that allows you to define the retention period and the number of versions to retain for certain items so that the system removes the item automatically from the database once the retention period is over.


Users can be assigned a role, which in turn is assigned responsibility for an activity or task.

SLA threshold

The time relative to the expected duration, when the job status should change state, that is, Amber and Red. At runtime, it is a visual representation of the status of an activity on your work queue.

  • Activity type: A manual activity that scans a single document or a collection of documents.

  • Form: A form that is generated for a scan activity.

  • Action: An action to scan a document using MFP devices. This action is available by default for an MFP Scan Create New Job form and MFP Take Activity form for Scan activity.

Scan create new job form
A form that is used to create a new job for a capture-enabled process.
Scan settings action
An action to view and modify the scan settings on MFP devices.
Scan/VRS profiles

An option in the Capture menu of TotalAgility that lets you configure the scan settings to correctly scan documents.


A series of instructions in a given language that can be executed consecutively such as Visual Basic and Java.

Script activity

An automatic activity that uses scripts to perform certain actions such as generating the contents of an email and saving user details to a text file.

Secure secret storage
An option in the system settings that is used to store encryption keys, TotalAgility integration credentials, and connection strings in an external repository such as Azure Key Vault or AWS Secrets Manager and use it for integrations within TotalAgility.
Security role

A role that has users and a security token assigned to it.

Security tokens

A TotalAgility feature that helps administrators control information security by restricting access to various areas of an application by allowing users to only access information relevant to them while hiding the information that they are not authorized to access.


The process by which individual pages are arranged into documents.

Separation profiles

An option in the Capture menu of TotalAgility that lets you configure settings for separating and placing documents in folders during scanning.

Server Cluster
A collection of Content Transformation Servers that you can assign to an activity to ensure low latency.
Server variables

Global variables that can be used by any process.

Service Layer
A Data Layer extension that provides automatic, stateless services for TotalAgility.
Service Level Agreement (SLA)

The SLA Status Indicator (Red, Amber, Green, Black, and Purple) provides a visual representation of the service level agreement status of a job in the user’s work queue.

Session timeout form
A TotalAgility form that informs you that the system session has timed out and provides a link for you to log in again.

An option in the Integration menu of TotalAgility that allows you to create sites in TotalAgility to interact with SharePoint on-premise or online.

SharePoint add item activity

An automatic activity that is used to add a document to either a SharePoint library or to the subfolders in a library or the root of a list.

SharePoint create folder activity

An automatic activity that is used to create a new folder in a selected SharePoint integration site.

SharePoint create site activity

An automatic activity that is used to create a new site in a selected SharePoint integration site.

SharePoint delete item activity

An automatic activity that is used to delete an item such as a document or a folder from a SharePoint library or a subfolder in a library or from the root of a list.

SharePoint get document activity

An automatic activity that is used to either get a copy or check out a document from the selected SharePoint site to your local computer.

SharePoint move item activity

An automatic activity that is used to move an item from one location on a SharePoint site to another on the same site.

SharePoint uploader activity

An automatic activity that is used to upload a document to a document library in a local or online SharePoint site.

Shared projects

Projects that contain configuration settings for classification, document separation, and extraction. If you open a Shared project, you can change all these settings.

Projects that you create in the Transformation Designer are Shared projects that TotalAgility stores as a Document Group and Extraction Group project.


An option to change the hotkey for a command by selecting single or double key options.


An option in the Integration menu of TotalAgility that provides solutions for digital capture, management, and verification of signatures which helps accelerate business processes, eliminate errors, and protect documents against manipulation. Integrating TotalAgility with SignDoc simplifies information-intensive customer interactions with a fully digital, streamlined, and secure experience.

SignDoc activity

An automatic activity that defines a process to get the documents digitally signed.

Simple Object Access Protocol

A standard XML format used to make remote procedure calls through the Internet.


A set of forms containing content such as text, and images that provide a business solution.

Skill level process ratio

An option on the Resources menu of TotalAgility Workspace that helps you set the skill level and sampling ratios. The skill Level ratio is set for resource-specific review which takes place based on the skill level of users against a specific process. The sampling ratio is set for a general review which is Process-centric, that is, the job is simply reviewed a certain percentage of the time irrespective of who worked on the job.


One of the views of a process that is invoked depending on the evaluation of the skin rule.

Sleep activity

An automatic activity that puts a job to sleep for a specific period to delay the execution of the job.

Solution rollback
The solution rollback allows you to roll back a solution if an error occurs on package import.
Start node

A marker within a process that indicates the start of the process. Every process requires a Start node.


The changes which a process can pass through from inception to completion. For example, an order can go through a series of definable states from Order Arrived to Awaiting Delivery to Invoice Paid.

State event identifier

A variable that should be identified when raising a state event. A state event identifier holds the ID of the task while it changes from one state transition to the next, reporting only on the most recent state, however, all triggered events are recorded.

Static resources

A static resource is a resource that is assigned to an activity at design time. Use static resources when you know in advance who the resource group or person is going to be, such as Admin.


A job criterion that lets you filter on the status of a job such as Finished, Suspended, and Terminated awaiting Associated Jobs Completion.

Style sheets

An option in the User interface menu of TotalAgility that lets you upload a custom style sheet and use it in themes.

Sub Folder Consolidation

Formerly "batch merging."

Sub Folder Creation

Formerly "batch splitting."


An independent reusable process embedded in and initiated by the main process activity. Subjobs must be completed before resuming main process activities. You can use subjobs in other processes.

Summary control

A form control that is used to provide an overview of the work assigned for a resource for the day.


A landing page used by supervisors to see the work of people in their team and the work of others if that work is part of a case where their teams are involved.

Supporting info activity

An activity that helps you generate contextual information about a job that may help users progress activities.


Jobs that are suspended but can manually be reactivated to get them up and running again.

Synchronization activity

An automatic activity used to bring together many parallel paths, where only one of the parallel activities must be completed.


The property of a process that when selected, instructs the application to perform the process automatically; the map/job is performed in-memory on a single thread of execution to improve performance.


A menu in TotalAgility that helps you manage global system settings.

System data

A menu in TotalAgility that includes submenus that enable you to create server variables, regular expressions, lookups, document templates, currency codes, checklist templates, checklist items, and work types.

System query

A query that helps to view the workload for automatic and manual tasks so that you can take actions to avoid delays in processing the tasks and improve performance.

System settings

An option in the System menu of TotalAgility where settings such as database, scheduler, cache, and thread pools are configured to be applied at the server level.

System tasks

Active tasks that the system performs automatically, such as Archive Jobs.

System variables

Simple non-editable process variables that the Designer provides and that give you access to information maintained within the Designer, such as job creator, job ID, and so on.


A free text that helps you provide information about an item and makes the item easier to find.

Target due date

The property of an activity that defines when the activity is due to be complete with respect to a defined target duration, or milestone.

Target duration

The time in days/hours/minutes/seconds used to indicate how long the process or activity should take to complete.

Task Worker

A landing page used by a task worker to view the list of activities that are assigned directly to the user.


A job that has stopped processing before completing the lifecycle.

Terminated awaiting associated case completion

An associated job that has been terminated and awaiting case completion.

Terminated awaiting associated jobs completion

A terminated case awaiting completion of associated jobs.

Test data

A menu available for an ordinary activity, automatic activity, and subjob activity with the advanced workflow rules to configure how the activities are executed.

Test plan

An option in the process testing that allows you to create one or more test cases that execute the test plan and present the test results.

Test script

An option in the process testing that is used to add action to the test script and then add assertions to determine if the process is executed as expected.

Test suite

An option in the process testing that allows you to execute the test plan for one or more artifacts.


An option on the main menu of TotalAgility that lets you create a test plan for synchronous/non-synchronous business processes, case definitions, case fragments, and business rules.


The visual layout, that is, background and foreground color, font type and size, company logo, and so on, to provide a consistent look and feel across forms.

Thread pool

A computer or processor that holds applications, files, or memory shared by users on a network.

Thumbnail viewer control
A control on a form that is used to display the thumbnails for the documents that are loaded in the Web Capture control.
Tile control
A form control to view the total returned from a query in a compact way on a dashboard.
Time Categories

An option in the Resources menu of TotalAgility Workspace that helps you track and supervise the time of your resources by enabling you to group resources time, such as overtime, loaned time, and others.

To Do

A menu in TotalAgility Workspace that helps you view your work queue, reassign activities, and allocate work manually.

Toolbar control

A form control that helps you group buttons in one control.


The panel on the TotalAgility user interface where tools to create processes are available.

TotalAgility Apps
A suite of applications that allows citizen developers to configure processes and capture items with little to no training.
TotalAgility OAuth clients
An external application that accesses TotalAgility REST APIs using OAuth authorization. The external application uses the client ID and secret key to generate an access token request in the appropriate format.
TotalAgility SDK JSON payload

The utility to generate the JSON payload for the methods on TotalAgility SDK, so that you can use JSON to call the methods using RESTful service.

Track variable changes

The property of a process that when selected records the changes in the variable values of all the activities in the process map before and after the activity is taken, thus providing traceability.


The execution of an activity within a process instance.

Transfer activity

An automatic activity that is used to transfer documents or folders between two Kofax TotalAgility servers.

Transformation Designer

A configuration tool that lets you set up shared, document, or classification group projects to perform classification, document separation, and extraction.

Transformation Server

A server that processes performance-intense tasks, including transformation, within the Kofax TotalAgility workflow.

Transformation Server Cluster

An option that allows you to dedicate a set of servers to process high-priority activities.


An option in TotalAgility that helps you translate text elements in forms to display in different languages.


User-defined conditions that can automatically initiate responses and help you avoid deadline or cost violations or avoid target duration breaches.

True path

The property of a decision that enables you to specify the path the decision will follow if it evaluates to True.

Update control action

An action to reload and refresh the results list of Work queue, Job list, and System queries.

Update control properties action
An action to set properties of a control (Tile, Work queue, Job list, and Workload) to dynamically change the display or behavior of the control.
User interface

An option on the main menu of TotalAgility that lets you model forms that provide the user interface to support your processes. You can manually create forms, build forms based on business processes and preview forms.

User sessions
A system setting that displays the system session IDs and user sessions.

  • Activity type: A manual activity that allows the validation of document fields and folder fields within a capture-enabled process.
  • Form: A form that is generated for a Validation activity.

Validation expression

A set of rules that can be applied to a control to specify the type and range of data that the user can enter. It is used to test the accuracy of data.

Variable value assertion

A type of assertion on variable value in the parent job, an embedded process that is part of a parent job, active sub jobs, case variables, or server variables.


The parameters created within a specific process map; they are local to a map, that is, their value can be changed in each job, which is created using that map without affecting the value it has in any other job that uses the map.

  • Activity type: A manual activity that allows the verification of document fields and folder fields within a capture-enabled process.
  • Form: A form that is generated for a Verification activity.
Visual Basic Script

A script based on the Visual Basic programming language.

Web Capture

A control that you can add to a form to do capture (formerly an Atalasoft control).

Web Clients

Includes the user, administrator, and Transformation Designer.

Web Service

Programmable units that can be accessed through internet or intranet by potentially disparate systems.

Web service activity

An activity that allows interaction with internet web services.

Web service references

An option in the Integration menu of TotalAgility that allows you to add a web service reference to hold the details of an existing web service.

A system setting option to whitelist the web service URLs and the database connection strings that can be employed by TotalAgility to make web service calls or run SQL queries against TotalAgility.
Work allocation rules

Work allocation rules are specific rule conditions to help prioritize the work of a resource based on activity, process, state, work type, and other priority types. Once prioritized, TotalAgility systematically pushes the work to the resource work queue based on the set priorities.

You can assign a work allocation rule directly to a resource or a resource group so that the rule becomes effective for all resources that have the selected resource group as their working group. For example, on the day when a bank releases the quarterly statements, the task of posting bank statements is assigned as a work allocation rule to the Backroom Staff. The system prioritizes the task by putting it at the top of the Backroom Staff work queues when the activity becomes pending.

Work queue

A primary method of managing workflow in a business process. It is kind of personalized To-Do lists used by operational staff to display, manage and execute their work tasks.

Work queue automation
A type of business rule that provides the ability for end-users to request automation or reassignment of tasks.
Work queue query

A query that is used to display a user's work queue.

Work types

Supplementary information that can be associated with a process to assist operational staff to take and complete assigned tasks.


A menu in TotalAgility that lets you design processes, case definitions, business rules, and skins.

Workflow rules

The rules that specify certain conditions which must be met for an activity to be completed, such as resources that must complete the activity and the order in which they must do so.

Working days

The days on which jobs can take place if the business calendar is used.

Working hours

The hours during which jobs can take place if the business calendar is used.

Workload control

A control used to view the results of a system query. The query helps you to view the workload for automatic and manual tasks so that you can take action to avoid delays in processing the tasks and improve performance.


A TotalAgility web application that lets you do the following:

  • Interact with activity lists, cases, and processes.
  • Manage work and resources.
  • Administer other data elements.

XML activity

An automatic activity that is used to manipulate XML documents without using third-party components. For example, an XML activity might add, modify, or delete an activity or attribute in an XML document, or add a new XML string to the document.

XML expression

An expression used to identify a section of an XML document.

XML schemas

The property that enables you to define the structure, content, and semantics of XML documents.


The XML Process Definition Language (XPDL) is a format standardized by the Workflow Management Coalition that allows for the interchange of business processes between different workflow products.


The expression type that describes a path through the XML document to select elements that match the path. For example, the following XPath selects the first number element of the XML document: //number.