Generate the JSON payload

You can generate the JSON payload for the current process, case definition or fragment, or a specific activity within them for the selected API, to quickly get the JSON request and response.

Activity section is not displayed for the synchronous process.

Generate the JSON payload for the process

You can generate the JSON payload for the current process.

  1. On the File tab of the process, click Developer tools.

    The Process ID appears in the read-only mode.

  2. Select either option for the API type.
    • SDK REST API (default): You can generate the JSON payload for a API on the REST service and the specific process.

    • SDK JSON API: You can generate the JSON payload for the API and the specific process.

    The API list appears depending on the type of API selected.

  3. On the API list, select the required API .
  4. Click Generate JSON payload.

    The JSON Payload pop-up window appears displaying the JSON Request and Response for the selected API.

  5. To reuse, either copy the JSON manually or click the Copy link. You can use JSON, for example, in Data models (see Data models).

Generate the JSON payload for a specific activity

You can generate the JSON payload for a specific activity of the process.

  1. On the File tab of the process, click Developer tools.
  2. On the Activity list, select the required activity.

    Only manual activities are displayed on the list. You can also filter on activity or node ID.

  3. Select either option for API type.
    • SDK REST API (default): You can generate the JSON payload for a API on the REST service and the specific activity.

    • SDK JSON API: You can generate the JSON payload for the API and the specific activity.

    The API list appears depending on the type of API selected.

  4. On the API list, select the required API .
  5. Click Generate JSON payload.

    The JSON Payload pop-up window appears displaying the JSON Request and Response for the selected activity and the API for the current process.

    If there is no Request body for the API, then the "Request" tab is not available.

  6. To reuse, either copy the JSON manually or click the Copy link. You can use JSON, for example, in Data models (see Data models).

    SDK APIs Responses contain "_type" for each object in the JSON. However, it is not displayed in the JSON Payload Response tab for the simplicity purpose. You can ignore these "_type" nodes when processing the API response from the code.