Deploy a package to a deployment server

You can deploy a package to a deployment server. The deployed package is exported with values and imported to the selected deployment server applying the import options.

If the connector name is not provided in the export connector settings, then altering values will not work as expected, as they cannot be uniquely identified.

  1. Navigate to Packages > Packages.
    The Packages page appears.
  2. On the context menu of the package to deploy to a deployment server, click Deploy package.

    The Deployment opens in a new browser tab with the Deployment tab selected. The artifacts from the selected package along with the artifact name, type, version, and value are displayed.

  3. On the Deployment tab, do the following:
    1. Select the Deployment configuration. (Default: Base)
    2. On the Deploy to list, select the pre-configured deployment server for which to deploy the package. See configure a deployment server.
    3. By default, the Execute test plans is selected which means the test cases for the processes within the package are executed. Clear the check box if you do not want to execute the test cases.

      If you choose to execute the test cases, the package is deployed to the deployment server successfully only if the execution of all the test cases associated with the package is passed. If any of the test cases fail, the deployment is stopped and the Results tab displays the following: The process map name in which the test case exists, the deployment status as failed, and the reason for the failure. When an error is returned causing the deployment to fail, this means there are one or more issues, and we recommend that you execute your test suite to investigate.

    4. By default, all the artifacts from the package are displayed. To filter the list, on the Artifact list select a group, such as User interface. The artifacts from the selected group such as forms and form templates are displayed. (Default: All). Available artifacts are All, Capture, Custom service groups, Devices, Export Connector, Integration, Miscellaneous files, Monitoring, Packages, Queries, Resources, System, System data, User interface, and Workflow.
  4. On the Import options tab, include or exclude the Deployment import options, as needed.
  5. Click Deploy.

    The package is exported using the settings saved in the package and imported to the deployment server applying the import options. When a deployment schedule reaches the next due date as defined in the deployment schedule (see Manage a deployment schedule):

    • If the deployment succeeds, the package in the deployment schedule is automatically deployed to each server and an audit log entry is added under the package category to record that the deployment is successful. The notification process creates a new job only when the "Notify on success" option is selected in deployment schedule.

    • If the deployment fails, the results are recorded in the Results tab and display a summary of errors and warnings. An audit log entry is added under the package category to record that the deployment has failed. The notification process creates a new job.

    • If the deployment to one of the deployment servers fails, an audit log entry for the failed server is added, and deployment to next server if any, continues. If there are multiple deployment servers then the errors for each server are recorded in the audit log. If the deployment fails or any error occurs on deployment, and if you have selected the Allow solution rollback system setting, the Rollback solution button appears. To roll back the solution, click Rollback solution.

      If any error occurs during rollback, you can Retry or Cancel the solution rollback. An audit log entry is added for the solution rollback. For more information on items that can be rolled back, see Solution rollback items.

Deployment import options

Include or exclude the following import options.

Form import options

Security tokens

If selected, imports the security tokens. (Default: Clear)

Security roles

If selected, imports the security roles. (Default: Clear)

Security role members

If selected, imports the security role members. (Default: Clear)

Overwrite options

Overwrite all

You can choose to overwrite all items at once or select an individual item to overwrite. Based on the selection, the values on the target machine are overwritten. (Default: Clear)

Role members

Server variables

Global variables

Web service references


Device profiles

Device settings


Connector mappings

If selected, imports the connector mappings. (Default: Clear)

Non-versioned items


If selected, overwrites the non-versioned items. (Default: Clear)