Generate a process using Generative AI

Use the Generative AI functionality to pass a request to the AI Provider to generate a process (case definition, case fragment, custom service, and business rules for flow rule and decision tree).

Tips for using Copilot

  • Make sure the AI provider is already configured in the Integration menu; otherwise, a message appears that the AI provider is not configured. Click Configure in the message to configure the Generative AI provider.

  • Some models work better than others, therefore, select the model that works best for your requirements. For more information on AI providers and supported models, see Integrate Generative AI with TotalAgility.

  • Provide Copilot with as much detail as possible about what you would like to create. For example, the “Create an onboarding workflow” request will give you a basic process whereas the following request will give you a more tailored workflow: “Create an employee onboarding workflow for a delivery driver with checks to ensure their driver’s license, insurance, and mot certificates (if required) have been verified. Allocate an employee ID if successfully onboarded.”

  • TotalAgility does not support adding a URL to the chat. Any URL is treated as plain text.

  • Providers apply limits to requests so that all users have fair access to the APIs. If your limit is exceeded, a message is displayed stating that the provider is experiencing too many requests, and you can try again.

  • You can create user prompts in Copilot and when using the Generative AI activity, Generative AI chat control, and Generative AI form action. To learn about best practices in creating prompts, refer to the documentation provided by your AI provider.

  1. Navigate to Workflow > Business processes.

    The Business processes page appears.

  2. Click New.
    The Design view of the process opens in a new browser tab.
  3. Click the Chat with Copilot icon in the bottom right corner.
    The floating Chat with Copilot window appears with the following message: "Welcome <username>, what type of process would you like to create? An example request might be "Onboard a new employee."
  4. In the Chat box, enter your request:
    1. Do one of the following:

      • Use plain text such as "Approve expense claim".

      • Select an image using the Image icon and then enter your request such as "Create a process using the image".

        • Supported image types are JPEG, PNG, JPG, GIF and WebP. If an unsupported type is used, an error appears.

        • When you request the AI provider to create a process based on the image, not all models support the use of images. Currently, the supported model is "gpt-4-vision-preview."

    2. Click the Return icon or press Enter.

    The Copilot returns the following response:

    • A process (read-only) with a process name. You can save and release the process.

    • The read-only Properties panel.

    • A message in the Chat window: "A process <name> has been generated. Would you like to make any changes or are you ready to generate the process?"

    • The options to generate the process or start over creating the process.

  5. Once a process is created by Copilot, you can do the following:
    • Submit another request in the Chat box for a change in the existing process. For example, submit the following request for a change in the existing process: "Upload supporting documents after Check claim amount" or select another image and request to recreate the existing process using the image and press Enter.

      The AI provider recreates the process.

    • Click Generate process in the Chat with Copilot window.

      • The process is regenerated and the following message appears in the chat window: "Congratulations! Your process is now available. You will be redirected to the process automatically in 5 seconds."

      • The newly generated process opens in the TotalAgility Process designer and is locked. The process properties are enabled. You can use this process like any other process .

      • An audit log entry is recorded that the process is generated using generative AI.

    • Click Start over in the message.

      • The request is cleared.

      • You can enter a new request.

      If you have started to create a process but not saved or released it, you can still use Generative AI but the process will be replaced. Once you save or release a process, the Chat with Copilot icon disappears.