Drill-down properties of Capture Composite controls

You can configure a Capture activity (Scan, Validation, Verification and Document review) in a process and generate the Activity forms using these activity types for the process you configured. When you open the Capture form generated for these activities and configure the action such as .Net method or Display rule, the following drill-down properties are available by default for a form control for mapping to the parameters. For a ScanActvity form, use the additional drill-down properties such as ImprinterFormat, ImprinterIndexStep and more to seed a scanner endorser or imprinter with initial values when scanning starts, and retrieve the value when scanning is complete.



These properties are for internal use only.


Internal ID for the current batch loaded into the control (it is not the normal user session ID).


Type assigned to the folder loaded in the Capture composite control.


Folder object loaded in the Capture composite control.


Type assigned to the document currently loaded in the Capture composite control.


The document currently loaded in the Capture composite control.


Contains a collection of document types that are available for classifying the document.


Returns JavaScript object with properties that indicate the current user's permission, such as "allow annotation", "allow delete page", and more.


Returns a serialized version of the assigned folder type.


Returns complete Scan/VRS profiles as an array of JavaScript Objects.


Returns a complete set of document separation settings defined in the assigned separation profile as JavaScript objects.


Returns a complete set of folder separation settings defined in the assigned separation profile as JavaScript objects.


Returns JavaScript array with list of reject reasons configured for the control.

These properties are available for use.


Document ID of the currently displayed document in the image viewer.


Page ID of the currently displayed page in the image viewer.


Name of the Activity Variant currently used by the Capture Composite control (if any).


When splitting a document, the document id for the newly created document from the split.


Returns true or false depending on if the document field option is enabled for the composite control.


Returns true or false depending on if the folder field option is enabled for the composite control.


This property is useful when calling the Capture SDK (CaptureDocumentService) using web service references from a custom DLL.

To make API calls context-aware, you can consume the ContextHeader property and inject it into outgoing HTTP headers before making an API call. Example:

var cds = new CaptureDocumentServiceClient(binding, new EndpointAddress("http://kta-server/TotalAgility/Services/Sdk/CaptureDocumentService.svc"));

using (var scope = new OperationContextScope(cds.InnerChannel))
	// Set special header to make sure API is executed in correct context
	// 'header' value is consumed from 'ContextHeader' property of Capture control 
	OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] =
		new HttpRequestMessageProperty
			Headers =
				{ "CaptureContextDataHeader" , header }

	// Call some API from CaptureDocumentService
	cds.DeletePages(sessionId, new CDSWS.ReportingData(), documentId, new CDSWS.PageIndexCollection { new CDSWS.PageIndex { Index = 0 } });


Returns the folder ID of the selected folder.

Returns the parent folder of the selected document.

These additional properties are available for use for a ScanActvity form and Scan create new job form.


A parameter whose value is applied to the scanner driver before scanning is started. The value is automatically refreshed after scanning is finished and represents the “next” image address value.

The value is not defined if it is retrieved before scanning happened.


A read-only property that contains a currently configured image address template string. The value of this property is retrieved each time the scanner settings or driver is changed, and after scanning is finished. If the image address is not enabled or not available, the string is empty.


A read-only property that contains the hostname of the scanning machine. This property returns the value passed to the onScanReady event by Web Capture Service.


Scanner format. Valid values range from 0 to 2.

Value TWAIN Driver VRS Driver

0 or " " (empty string)

Default value.

Scanner prints single line defined by the ImprinterString property.

Default value.

Scanner prints single line defined by the ImprinterString property.


Scanner prints multiple lines defined by the ImprinterString property.

Not applicable. Works as format '0'.


Scanner prints a string composed according to the scheme {String}{Index}{Suffix}

Scanner prints a string composed according to the scheme {String}{Index}


A string value that forms all or just prefix of the resulting printed value depending on the format.


An automatic index that increments by scanner after each scanned page.

This is dependent on the ImprinterFormat used. Also retrieves the final imprinter string used.

Use this property to seed the start index value before a scan and to read its last value after the scan is complete.


The increment between index values. Support depends on the scanner.


Maximum allowed digits in the index value.


A suffix string that is appended to the resulting printed value.


The amount of in-place character rotation. The rotation is in degrees and moves clockwise. TWAIN specification supports values from 0 to 359 although most scanner manufacturers have limited the accepted values to 0, 90, 180, and 270. VRS Elite supports 0, 90, 180, and 270.


Vertical offset in the specified units.


Units of measure when specifying the vertical offset.

  • 0=inches

  • 1=centimeters

  • 2=picas

  • 3=points

  • 4=twips

  • 5=pixels

  • 6=millimeters


The font style for TWAIN scanning defined by a combination of the numeric values of the following bit fields:

  • 1: Normal

  • 2: Bold

  • 4: Italics

  • 8: Large size

  • 16: Small size

For example, if the TWAIN scanner supports a font size composed of bold and large-size font, then the numeric value would be 10, that is 2+8.

VRS Elite does not support this parameter, instead, the font size can be specified in the driver settings and saved to a VRS profile.


Retrieves the Scanner name used to acquire documents in Scan forms.