App status search

Use App status search to track the apps that are locked by a resource. You can force unlock an app if needed.

  1. Navigate to System > Additional settings > Apps > App status search.

    The App status search dialog box is displayed.

  2. To search the locked items select one of the following criteria.
    1. To search the locked items select one of the following criteria.

      Item name

      Enter the name of the item to search.


      Select a specific item type.

      Locked by

      Select the resource who locked the items.

    2. Click Search.

    The search results display the following details: item name, category, and resource who locked the item.

    Click Reset to clear the specified search criteria and search results.

  3. To unlock an app, on the context menu of the app, click Unlock .

    The app and its associated items are unlocked.

  4. Click Close.