Form actions

Actions describe different ways to initiate an event. For example, you can base a customer credit score check on two different actions:

  • DB query action that reads customer details from a database

  • .Net method action that calculates the appropriate score

You can configure multiple actions that execute upon an event firing on a form or form control, such as a form load, button click, or selection of a table row.

For example, in a Loan Application form, you can create DB query, Web service, and Redirect actions on the Credit Check button so that when the button is clicked, the actions are executed in sequence:

  • Retrieve customer details (DB query action)

  • Get a credit score for the customer (Web service action)

  • Take the user to the next relevant form (Redirect action)

If an action fails, a message appears, and no further actions are called. For example, if the Login fails the user is not redirected to the Work queue page.

  • To reduce maintenance complexity and cost, make sure that no event fires more that 10-20 actions.

  • Use clear display names for actions that reflect their purpose; you cannot change the names once created.

Action types

TotalAgility supports the following actions for a form or form control.

Action Purpose

.NET method

Call an API for performing actions, such as creating a new job.

Add row

Add a row to a table.

Alternative extraction search

When added to a document validation form, performs an alternative extraction search in a validation activity.

Apply form variant

Apply the latest version of the form variant; the state and label text defined when creating the variant is reflected at runtime.

Apply validation

Validate the available controls on the desktop, phone, and tablet forms.

Begin condition

Begin the conditional action.

Business rule

Use a predefined business rule.

Calculation rule

Calculate a field value.

Capture client

Navigate to the next invalid field in the current document or the next invalid document or folder. If all documents and folders are valid, the activity is finished.

The Capture client action is only available for scan forms.

Change stack order

Change the stack order value or remove or move an element towards the bottom of the stack.


Clear the specified form variables and fields.

Clear selection

Clear the selections of a table or dropdown list.


Close the currently opened form or pop-up window.


Include multiple actions for use on multiple controls.

Custom service

Use the Custom service action in a form control such as a button or text box.

Data object

Use the Data object action to get or set values in a data object variable to manipulate the data.

DB query

Access a database to view, insert, update, or delete records.

Delete row

Delete a row from a table in a form.

Display rule

Invoke a form’s display rules and automatically change display states, based on what the user enters the form.

Else condition

Make form actions more flexible and easier to read. At runtime, all the actions within the Else condition are executed if the Begin condition is not met.

End condition

End the conditional action.

File upload

Upload a file on a form at runtime.

Fuzzy search

Find strings that closely (but not exactly) match a pattern in a "fuzzy" database, which is a single table or view exported from a relational database.

The Fuzzy search action is available only for a document validation form.

Generative AI

Make use of the Generative AI functionality within a form. At runtime, the action is executed accordingly and the output is populated correctly.

Hide action menu

Conceal a menu when a touch-enhanced Phone or Tablet form is opened on a touch-enhanced device.


Give access to the Document Object Model (DOM).

MFP print

Download and print the document on an MFP device.

MFP scan

Scan a document using an MFP device.

The Scan action is available by default for the MFP Scan create new job and MFP Scan take activity forms.

MFP scan settings

View and modify the scan settings on an MFP device.


Redirect to another form or a pop-up window.

Refresh capture

Refresh the capture forms (Scan, Verification, Validation, and Document review) and capture take activity forms to prevent the job with invalid fields being completed.

Refresh page rendition

Refresh page renditions on a form and accordingly enable or disable rendition buttons at runtime.

Reset form variables

Reset the data of one or more form variables.

RESTful service

Integrate the form with external applications.


Execute the RPA Robot from within a form.

Same page

Retrieve the required data on the same page.

Set device

Switch the form factor (Desktop, Phone, or Tablet) between a desktop, phone or tablet form.

Set focus

Set the focus on a form control.

Set language from Job

Set the form language to the language of the job when the page loads.

Show message

Alert or prompt a user or request confirmation from a user.

Show action menu

Display an action menu from the list of multiple action menus for a touch-enhanced Phone or Tablet form.

Show navigation

Select the site navigation or select a menu for a touch-enhanced Phone or Tablet form.

Update control

Apply the current values of properties to the control and cause the control to reload and refresh the results list.

Update control properties

Update the properties of the control to dynamically change the display or the behavior of the control.

Update row

Update a row in a table.

Web capture

Save the pages that are scanned or uploaded using a Web Capture control.

Web service

Call a web service to perform a certain action.

See the topic on individual actions for more information on each action. See also: Work with actions.

SaveChanges action

The SaveChanges action persists field changes done on a form, so that they can be used by subsequent actions. This action is an automatically generated Capture action. You cannot add this action; however, you can only assign the SaveChanges action to the Capture events on a form.

Sort the actions list

You can sort the actions list by Name or Type.

Filter by action type

You can filter by action type. The Type filter list only contains the types that exist for the current form. For standard forms, the default is All, and for capture forms, the default is Non-capture.