Compare packages

Compare packages to identify items that have changed between versions.

You can compare a package with the system package or with other packages. The items that are different in the selected packages are highlighted. You can select the items and import them without the need to navigate to the Import packages page.

You can only select or deselect the items that are explicitly added to the package when importing a package on the main import page and when comparing a package.

  1. Navigate to Packages > Packages.
    The Packages page appears.
  2. Click Compare.

    The Compare Packages page opens in a new browser tab.

  3. Do either of the following for the Package:
    • Click Browse and select the ZIP file, such as

    • Drag the .zip file from your system to the Package box.

    All artifacts from the selected package appear. The package Version and Comments for the selected package are also displayed.

  4. By default, the system compares the artifacts of the package with the artifacts already existing in the System. To compare the package with another package, select Other package for Compare with and click Browse to select the package, or drag the .zip file to the Package box.
    All artifacts from the two packages are displayed side by side. A scroll bar appears to enable scrolling the lists of both packages scroll together and the artifacts on each side are always aligned as you compare them. The Version and Comments for both the packages are also displayed.
  5. To compare artifacts only from a specific group, such as Queries, on the Artifact list, select the group to compare.

    Available artifacts are All, Capture, Custom service groups, Miscellaneous files, Monitoring, Packages, Queries, Resources, System, System data, User interface, and Workflow.

    For both the packages, the system displays the name, artifact, version, and the last modified date of artifacts from the selected group (such as Queries), and highlights the new artifacts (in green) and different artifacts (in red).

    Artifacts are compared based on version numbers or DateTime.

  6. By default, all the artifacts are displayed. To filter on new, different, or the same artifacts, on the View list, select the required option. (Default: Total). You can also view the new, different, or the same artifacts from a specific group. For example, to view the new artifacts in the Capture group, select Capture on the Artifact list, and New on the View list.
  7. To configure import options, click the Import options tab and select the check boxes for the options under the following groups as needed. By default, all the options are clear.


    Import option

    Do not import associations

    Select this option to exclude the associations while importing the selected items from a package.

    Form import options

    Include or exclude the following form import options:

    • Security tokens

    • Security roles

    • Security role members

    Overwrite options

    Select Overwrite all to overwrite all the options or select the checkbox for each of the following items to overwrite.

    • Role members

    • Server variables

    • Global variables

    • Web service references

    • Devices

    • Device profiles

    • Device settings


    Select Connector mappings to include the connector mappings from the process in the package.

    Non-versioned items

    Select Overwrite to overwrite the non-versioned items that already exist on the target system.

  8. Do either of the following:
    • To import the complete package, click Import package.

    • To import selected items from the package, select the check boxes for the items and click Import selected items.

    The import summary is displayed, along with any error or warning messages.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Click Close to close the Compare Packages page.