Inputs and outputs
Add input and output variables to a capture activity.
- Input variables
The input variables used for completing the activity.
You can use a process or server variables as inputs and outputs to an activity. If the document set is turned on, you can use the properties of the document set (Valid, Comment, Count) as inputs.
- When creating a Scan, Verification, Validation, or Document review activity, you can provide only one Document or Folder variable as input to the activity on the Configuration tab.
- For other activities, you can provide any number of additional input and output variables of any type, except Document or Folder variables. However, you can add fields from a Document or Folder variable.
- Output variables
The variable (server/process) that holds the output for the activity.
- Track variable changes
Tracks the changes in variables before and after the activity.
User interface
- Associated file path
The form or URL associated with the activity.
- Help text
The help text to be displayed in Plain text or URL.
- Mobile friendly
If selected, you can perform this activity on a mobile device. (Default: Clear)