Configuration of a Workload control

Configure the Workload control to suit your requirement.

Display list as

The style of the workload list. Available options are:

  • Paging: Use this style if your list contains hundreds of records across many pages.
  • Scrolling: Use this style if your list contains more than one page, but not hundreds of records.

Show column names

Displays the column names at runtime. (Default: Selected)

Show resource pictures

Displays the resource pictures at runtime. (Default: Clear)

Header label

Display text for the header label of the workload.


The actions to apply on the Workload control at runtime. To make the actions available on the Actions column at runtime, and get access to details of the underlying job, ensure that the following actions are selected.

Display actions as

Select either style to display the actions at runtime:

  • Dropdown: Displays the actions in a dropdown list.
  • Icon list: Displays the actions as image icons.

  • On upgrading TotalAgility from an earlier version, the "Display actions as" option is set as "Dropdown" by default.

  • On a clean install of TotalAgility or when you import the workspace package on an upgrade, the "Display actions as" option is set as "Icon list" by default.

Allow add note

Displays the "Add note" option, which allows you to add a note to the job associated with the activity.

Allow view job

Displays the "View job" option, which allows you to view a visual representation of the progress of the job.

Allow view properties

Redirects the user to the job properties page.

The following options are only available for manual activities at runtime.

Take activity

Allows you to take the activity.

Complete activity

Allows you to complete the activity directly without having to provide inputs.


Allows you to reassign the activity to another user.