
This section describes how to test your installation, access product documentation, and remove the example web-application.

Online product documentation

This section describes how to access online product documentation.

You can access the online KCM documentation using the link (see Related documentation) or directly from the product. When you click the help button in KCM Designer, KCM Designer for Windows, KCM Core, or KCM Studio, online documentation appears in a new browser window.

To access the online documentation, you must have an active Internet connection. If the security policy for your organization restricts Internet access or the Internet connection is not stable, you can access the documentation in offline mode while using the product.

Offline product documentation

This section describes how to access offline product documentation.

To make the documentation available for use in offline mode, obtain the documentation files from the product package that you download from the Kofax Fulfillment Site.

The product package includes the following documentation files for offline use:

  • Contains the entire KCM documentation set in English. This file is required for all users working in offline mode.
  • Zip files that contain KCM Designer documentation translated to German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Dutch and Brazilian Portuguese. For example, the Spanish zip file name is

    The KCM Designer online Help is the only item in the KCM documentation set that is translated to multiple languages at this time.

After you install the KCM product, follow the procedures below to extract the documentation .zip files for each KCM component as required. When you finish extracting the files, the documentation folder in each location will contain one or both of the following folders:

  • print with the PDF documentation

  • help with the KCM Designer Help

You can access the documentation in offline mode from these locations. Also, when you click a help button in a KCM component and select the required document, the system will open an offline, local copy of that document.

The names of the folders where you extract the documentation .zip files are hard-coded and case-sensitive. Do not rename the folders.

Offline documentation for KCM Designer

  1. Extract the contents of the English documentation .zip file to:

    <deploy root>\KCM\Programs\<version>\Instance_<num>\webapps\ccm_designer-<instance num>\doc\en

  2. If you require the Help in another language, extract the contents of the applicable documentation .zip file to the language folder, which resides here:

    <deploy root>\KCM\Programs\<version>\Instance_<num>\webapps\ccm_designer-<instance num>\doc\<language>

    Supported languages:

    • de: German

    • es: Spanish

    • fr: French

    • it: Italian

    • ja: Japanese

    • nl: Dutch

    • pt_BR: Brazilian Portuguese

    For example, to use the KCM Designer Help in Spanish, extract the contents of the Spanish documentation .zip file to the es folder.

Offline documentation for KCM Core Administrator

For KCM Core Administrator, extract the print folder content from the English documentation .zip file to:

<deploy root>\KCM\Documentation\<version>\en

Offline documentation for KCM Studio

For KCM Studio, extract the print folder contents of the English documentation .zip file to:

<deploy root>\KCM\Documentation\<version>\en

Offline documentation for KCM Designer for Windows

For the KCM Designer for Windows component, which you install separately after the KCM product is installed, extract the contents of the English documentation .zip file to:

<deploy folder of Designer for Windows>\Documentation\en

For more information on the KCM Designer installation and default location, see Install KCM Designer for Windows. s

Testing the installation

This section describes how to test your KCM installation.

When the KCM package is installed, an example web application is available to test the installation and to reference KCM ComposerUI integration resources. The web application helps you to test the installation is available when the Instance!ExampleWebAppName parameter was specified. For production and acceptance systems, this web application is not required, and you should not install it.

To test the installation, use the following web page:

  • https://<kcm server>:443/<example web application name>/home.html

Default KCM Contract Manager's Tomcat instances (TCP port 443) are configured to use HTTPS. You should not configure any other Tomcat instances to use HTTPS. Also, configure Tomcat instances to suppress extended error messages.

You can change the default port value 443 to the appropriate port value to avoid possible conflicts in case other third-party software on your machine is using the same ports.

The default user is Administrator. The default password is entered through the DesignerAdministratorAccount!Password parameter during installation. After installation you can change the password through KCM Designer. For details, see the Change your password topic in the KCM Designer Help.

To test an interactive composition of a document, under ComposerUI HTML5, click Test. Afterwards, fill in the forms, and a document is opened by the end of the run.