Set alternate documents or documents parts

You can set one or more alternate documents or documents parts that KCM will try to include if it fails including a document or part of a document. To do so, the different documents/parts of documents have to be divided with a vertical bar. KCM tries to include the first document or a document part. If it fails, KCM tries to include the next document or a document part. This process stops once KCM succeeds in including a document or a document part. The include process fails if none of the documents or documents parts can be included.

This functionality can only be used in Microsoft Word documents.

An example is provided here.

@( inc("document"; "folder" )) 
@( inc("document<bookmark>"; "folder" )) 
@( inc("document1|document2"; "folder"))

The result of the preceding example is as follows.

__INC(folder\document) in the result document. This statement is processed if post-including is enabled in the KCM configuration or when LAZYPOSTINC is set to Y.

Post-include statements in result documents are also resolved by the put_in_document( ), put_in_text_file( ), and add_to_output( ) functions, when the fifth parameter of these functions is set to Y, regardless of the post-include configuration setting of KCM.