Submit () method

The method Submit of the class Aia.ITP.Server.Job submits the job to KCM Core running on the host and port specified by the properties Host and Port. The method does not return until the job has been completed. If the method returns normally, this means that the job has completed successfully. If an error occurs during either the submission or the processing of the job, an exception is thrown.

While the job is running, the invoked KCM Core Service may request to exchange a data value, and it may send files for download, request the upload of files or send progress messages. When such requests arrive, the object Aia.ITP.Server.Job fires the events ExchangeData, FileDownload, FileUpload, and ProgressMessage, respectively.

If the KCM Core Service requests the download or upload of a file, and the corresponding event is not handled, the KCM Core job fails immediately.