Installing the KCM structure

This section describes steps that you must take to install the KCM structure.

You can find the AddKCM.exe installation tool in the InstallServer folder of the KCM installation package.

How the tool works

AddKCM.exe works as follows:

  1. It checks the requirements needed for the KCM structure installation. If the check fails, the installation quits.
  2. It installs the KCM structure.
  3. It configures the resources for KCM that are specified in the command line.

Execution steps

To install the KCM structure, you must execute the following steps:

  1. Open the command line interface (CLI). It could be PowerShell or Command Prompt.

  2. In the CLI, navigate to the InstallServer folder of the KCM installation package.

  3. Call the AddKCM.exe file and provide the necessary parameters. The order of parameters is irrelevant. See an example of the call below:

    AddKCM.exe Internal!HostName=testserver Services!User=.\ccm Services!Password=testpassword WebServer!ServiceUser=.\ccmweb WebServer!ServicePassword=testpassword Java!Home="C:\Program Files\AdoptOpenJDK\jdk-" Tomcat!Version="9.0.62" InternalPorts!StartAt=10500 PrivatePorts!StartAt=10600 Deploy!RootPath=D:\ InternalCertificate!KeystoreFile=c:\ccmsqa\ssl\internal.p12 InternalCertificate!KeystorePassword=TESTPSWRD InternalCertificate!Thumbprint=ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF01

    To simplify input, you can create a script with the required parameter values and then use it to run AddKCM.exe.

    If everything is correct, the installation will run without errors. You will be able to follow the installation process by reading the CLI output.

    If the installation fails, then the unfinished deployment must be removed manually using RemoveKCM.exe tool described in the Uninstall KCM Structure section of this guide.