Basic expressions

You can use the following items in an expression:

  • Parameters

    A parameter in an expression is replaced by the value of the parameter.

  • Constants

    A constant in an expression is replaced by the value of the constant.

  • Variables

    A variable in an expression is replaced by the current value of the variable.

  • Strings

    A string is a sequence of characters between quotes. Use "" to insert a single " in the string.

  • Numbers

    A number can be written in one of the following notations: Decimal: as a sequence of digits. Hexadecimal: as a sequence of hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f), prefixed with "0x." Example The number 42 is written as 42 in decimal or 0x2a in hexadecimal.

  • Booleans

    You can use Boolean values in expressions where a conditional value is expected. The Boolean values are True and False.

  • Parentheses

    You can enclose any expression in parentheses to affect the order of evaluation.