DFT is the default value of EXTRAas presented to the user. This keyword is ignored when the application provides the answer to this EXTRA question. The default value is determined by the type of EXTRA and by the LEN setting.

  • TEXT EXTRA. The default value has to be TEXT. The default value has to comply with the LEN setting.
  • NUMBER EXTRA. The default value has to be TEXT that represents a number. The default value must comply with the LEN setting.
  • BOOL EXTRA. The default value has to be TEXT and must be "Y" or "N".

EXTRA TEXT name_variable_text 
   LEN ( 10 )
   DFT ( "Johnson Al" )
EXTRA NUMBER name_variable_number
   LEN ( 5 3 )
   DFT ( "12.345" )
 EXTRA BOOL name_variable_bool
   DFT ("N")