Upgrading Batch & Output Management

Upgrading B&OM is not a fully automated process and requires a number of manual steps described below. When you upgrade a KCM installation that includes KCM Batch & Output Management, you must consider the following limitations and consequences:

  1. Observe non-production hours

  2. Upgrade the primary installation first

  3. Merge old and new systems manually

  4. Recreate custom service hosts under a new name

  5. Take into account that history of the previous systems not transferred

  6. Remove the B&OM services from inactive installation

If your B&OM installations share a single KCM/Core installation, after upgrade you need to manually reconfigure KCM/Core to accept remote connections. To access these settings, open the KCM/Core Administrator and go to the Security section of the DP Manager tab.

Observe non-production hours

Runtime information is not maintained during the upgrade. Upgrades must be performed during non-production hours. The following steps need to be taken:

  1. Ensure that no new requests are submitted to B&OM.

  2. Existing jobs must be allowed to finish. Jobs in error must be cancelled or resubmitted until there are no remaining active jobs, so no remaining work is lost.

  3. Perform the upgrade as described below.

  4. Resume submitting requests.

Upgrade the primary installation first

Upgrading a secondary B&OM installation requires a manual copy of several configuration files of the upgraded primary installation. Assuming that the primary installation has already been upgraded, take the following steps on the secondary installation:

  1. Extract the KCM package on the secondary B&OM server. Go to the extracted InstallServer folder, and under the \InstallServer\Software subfolder create a new subfolder named Output Management Primary.

  2. On the upgraded primary B&OM server, navigate to <deploy root>\KCM_OM\Programs\<version>\Output Management and copy the Repository.Config and UserRepository.Config files. Paste these files in the folder created in the previous step.

  3. Upgrade the secondary B&OM server.

Merge old and new systems manually

The upgrade procedure will create two systems in the upgraded KCM B&OM installation:

  1. System 1: contains the existing client processes, but without their history.

  2. System 2: contains the standard processes and objects of the new KCM version.

These systems must be merged into one either by merging the old system into the new system, or by merging the new system into the old system.

Merge System 1 into System 2

  1. All custom objects in System 1 must be copied into System 2.

  2. All modification to standard objects in System 1 must be re-applied in System 2.

  3. The system properties of System 1 must be taken over in System 2.

  4. The steps above may copy references to files and folders within the old KCM installation into System 2. These references must be updated to point to the new KCM installation. Furthermore, the associated files must be copied as well.

  5. No steps are required for the runtime database, because the upgrade process will by default configure the new runtime database into System 2.

  6. All custom service hosts must be recreated. For more information, refer to the section below: Recreate custom service hosts under a new name

After the merge, System 1 still has the old runtime database and references files and folders of the old KCM installation. Therefore, it can not be used in the new KCM installation.

The upgrade will automatically update some references in System 1 to point to the new KCM installation. This will not find all references, though, and it will also not copy any associated files.

Merge System 2 into System 1

  1. All objects in System 2 must be manually compared with their counterparts in System 1.

    • If the new KCM version has introduced new objects, these must be copied to System 1.

    • If the new KCM version has made changes to existing objects, these must be taken over into System 1.

    • If the new KCM version has removed objects, these must be removed in System 1.

  2. All references in System 1 to files and folders in the old KCM installation must be updated to point to the new KCM installation. Furthermore, the associated files must be copied as well.

  3. The runtime database created by the upgrade must be configured into System 1 instead of System 2. Use the OutputManagement!RuntimeDatabaseSystemName parameter for this purpose.

  4. The custom service hosts do not need to be re-created (see next step).

After the merge, System 2 does not have a runtime database configured and cannot be used until one is configured. For additional information, see the Starting B&OM topic.

In KCM 5.7, a separate folder will be created for each system in the Work folder of Batch & Output Management. The request, storage and output folders of the systems will be created within this system folder.

Recreate custom service hosts under a new name

Custom service hosts created in the previous version are recreated in the new version under a different name and run the same processes as before. Services that were running processes from multiple different systems are no longer supported. Such services are not automatically recreated, and you need to split them up manually. Customized configuration, such as log levels or Remote Control, is not transferred, and you need to reapply it manually.

The new custom service hosts will point to System 1. When merging System 1 into System 2, all custom service hosts must be removed and then added again, while referencing System 2. When merging System 2 into System 1, the custom service hosts can be used as they are.

To view active service hosts, create or remove them, use the ListOutputManagementServices.exe, AddOutputManagementService.exe, and RemoveOutputManagementService.exe tools.

History of the previous systems not transferred

The contents of the previous B&OM installation, which includes systems and their objects, are transferred to the new installation without their history, and the transfer history details are lost. This information is still present in the previous installation if you reactivate it. Also, changes to the objects in the new version have no effect on the previous version.

Remove the B&OM services from inactive installation

To remove the B&OM services from an inactive installation, use the uninstallation tool. The ListOutputManagementServices.exe, AddOutputManagementService.exe, and RemoveOutputManagementService.exe tools always affect the active installation. For example, the RemoveOutputManagementService.exe tool removes the B&OM services from the active installation.

For more information, see the following topics: Switch to old installation and Uninstallation.


If the start operation fails during upgrade, we recommend that you follow the steps below:

  1. Open the corresponding log file located in the <root folder>\KCM\Work\5.7\Management\Logs folder.

  2. Start the component using the parameters and values specified in the log file.