MQSeries configuration

KCM Core Administrator does not support MQSeries configuration. The MQSeries interface has its own mq.ini file in the config folder of the corresponding KCM Core installation. All settings are stored in the [Configuration] section. You can edit this file with a text editor such as Notepad.

You can install multiple instances of the KCM Core MQSeries interface where each instance has its own configuration file. The settings in these configuration files are identical to those in the mq.ini file.

The following settings exist:

  • Queue

    The MQSeries queue that the interface is listening to for requests.

    Type. Required setting.

    Value. The name of an MQSeries queue.

  • Queue manager

    The MQSeries queue manager that manages all queues used by the MQSeries interface.

    Type. Optional setting.

    Value. The name of an MQSeries queue manager.

    Default value. The default queue manager. You can use the MQSeries administration tools to set the default queue manager.

  • Timeout

    This setting specifies the timeout value in milliseconds that the interface uses to retrieve jobs from the specified MQSeries queue. If you set a timeout value to n, KCM Core may only detect special circumstances, such as a shutdown request, after n milliseconds. You should set an adequate timeout value.

    Type. Optional setting.

    Value. Any positive timeout value in milliseconds.

    Default value. 1000, which is 1 second.

  • Client

    If this setting is set to Y, it forces the interface to link to the MQSeries client DLL at start-up. If it is set to N, it first tries to link to the server DLL, and if this fails, it tries to link to the client DLL.

    Type. Optional setting.

    Value. Y or N.

    Default value. N.

  • Connection

    This setting specifies the TCP/IP connection name of a MQSeries server. This is either the hostname or the network address of the remote machine. This setting is only considered if the interface links to the MQSeries client DLL and a client connection channel name has been specified. If so, these settings specify to which remote MQSeries server this Service will connect to retrieve jobs. If the interface links to the MQSeries server DLL, it always connects to the local MQSeries server.

    Type. Optional setting. This setting controls the connection settings for the MQSeries interface of this KCM Core installation.

    Value. Any TCP/IP connection name.

    Default value. Empty.

  • Channel

    This setting is only considered if the MQSeries interface links to the MQSeries client DLL and a connection name has been specified. If so, these settings specify to which remote MQSeries server the interface connects to retrieve jobs. If the interface links to the MQSeries server DLL, it always connects to the local MQSeries server.

    Type. Optional setting. This setting controls the connection settings for the MQSeries interface of this KCM Core installation.

    Value. Any client connection channel name.

    Default value. Empty.

  • Request version

    You can use this setting to control the version level for reading messages from a queue. Level 2 is the default. You can specify version 1 here for backward compatibility.

    Type. Optional setting.

    Value. 1 or 2.

    Default value. 2.