Add a FORM

  1. To start a Form, add the following instruction to the Master Template.

    FORM "Form title" 

The title of the Form is of type TEXT. This text may contain HTML instructions that are passed to KCM ComposerUI for HTML5. This allows parts of the title text to appear in bold or to insert a linefeed. A slash is the KCM escape character. Therefore, an HTML closing tag may look as follows: <//b>. Using incorrect HTML tags may result in damaged layout.

A FORM may contain the following objects:

  • one or more QUESTIONs
  • optional TEXTBLOCKs
  • optional GROUPs
  • optional TABLEs (deprecated functionality)
  • optional BUTTONs

For information on how to add them to FORM, see the next sections.

You can use the keyword GROUP_STATE to suppress validation and assignment of questions in groups that are not shown due to the conditions SHOW/SHOWNOT for that group. If this keyword is not present, the setting IgnoreUnseenGroups in the KCM Core Environment determines whether or not these questions are validated.