
To reuse parts of a Master Template, you can use Includes.

Includes reside within Includes folders. Projects contain a predefined Includes folder. In Legacy Projects, you need to create and configure Include folders yourself.

Add Includes in another document using their name and extension and the __INC instruction. Documents inside subfolders of an Includes folder must be included with their folder as well.

Example __INC(date functions.doc) includes the Include with the name "date functions."

To prevent errors, you cannot rename Includes files once they are included.

If you want to include a document in a particular folder, check the order in which the Include paths are searched. The list in the project configuration is searched from top to bottom. If a document with the same name exists in one of the earlier searched paths, that document is found first and used.

You can also include documents in the Includes folders as an auto-include. To use auto-includes, configure the project accordingly. See Includes.