Stopping B&OM

This section describes how you can use the StopOutputManagement.exe tool to stop the B&OM in your installation.

StopOutputManagement.exe is a command-line tool intended stop all Windows services for Batch & Output Management and set them to disabled.

How the tool works

This section describes how the StopOutputManagement.exe tool works.

  1. Stops the Windows services of Output Management, and sets them to disabled. This includes both the custom Windows service hosts (which are always stopped) and the base Core and Output services (which are stopped by default, but can optionally be left running).

Execution steps

To stop the Batch & Output Management, execute the following steps:

  1. Open the command line interface (CLI). It could be PowerShell or Command Prompt.

  2. In the CLI, navigate to the folder where the StopOutputManagement.exe is located.

  3. Call the StopOutputManagement.exe file with the necessary parameters.

    If everything is correct, the process will run without errors. You will be able to follow the it by reading the CLI output.


Parameter Required / Optional Description
Stop!Mode Optional. The default value is AllServices. Specifies which services are stopped. Possible values are:
  • AllServices. Stop all services of B&OM, including the custom Windows service hosts.
  • CustomServicesOnly. Stop the custom Windows service hosts of B&OM, but do not stop the Core and Output services.