Styles structure and elements

All styles in a set are grouped under a common prefix. Once you insert a Text Block, all appropriate styles are looked up in a set that begins with a specified prefix. The default prefix is ITP (see the previous section).

You can override the default prefix with the TEXTBLOCK command using the STYLE_PREFIX keyword for regular text and the TABLE_STYLE_PREFIX keyword for tables in a Text Block and their contents. The TABLE_STYLE_PREFIX keyword has not effect on tables in a Rich Text Block.

You can use different prefixes to define different layout for the body of a Text Block and the content of tables within this Text Block (see Define an alternate set of styles). When the TABLE_STYLE_PREFIX is not set but the STYLE_PREFIX is set, the STYLE_PREFIX prefix is also used for and within tables.

Paragraph styles


  • prefix is the style prefix.
  • style is the style attribute of the <par> element.
  • level is the indentation level of the text, prefixed with an underscore. Level 0 is not included in the naming.

These names are mapped to paragraph styles in Microsoft Word.

The exact definition of these styles depends on the style sheets defined in KCM Repository and the run-time configuration of the template.


ITP_normal is used for normal text with no indentation.

ITP_header_2 is used for a header indented twice.

OUR_header is used for highlighted text with no indentation in a Text Block for which STYLE_PREFIX is set to OUR.

List styles

  • prefix is the style prefix.
  • style is the type of list. Numbered lists use the style numbered; bulleted lists use the style bulleted.
  • level is the nesting level of the list prefixed with an underscore. Nesting level 0 is not included in the naming.

These names are mapped to list styles in Microsoft Word.

The exact definition of these styles depends on the style sheets defined in KCM Repository and the run-time configuration of the template.


ITP_bulleted_list is used for a bulleted list not enclosed within another list.

ITP_numbered_list_3 is used for a numbered list enclosed within three other lists, regardless of the type of list.

Table styles


prefix is a prefix differentiating style sets.

These table style names are mapped to table styles in Microsoft Word.

Best practice is to define a table style for every style set in use.

The content of table cells is mapped according to the rules, matching their context. When you only use the ITP_ style set, all content is formatted according to the definition of the ITP_ style set. If you need to format the content of the table differently from text outside the table, you should define a second style set to apply to tables (see Define an alternate set of styles).

Use the TABLE_STYLE_PREFIX keyword on the TEXTBLOCK statement to use an alternate style for the tables in your Text Block (for more information on this keyword, see TEXTBLOCK statement).


ITP_table is the typically used table style.

OUR_TABLE_normal is used for normal text with no indentation for contents within a table in a Text Block for which the TABLE_STYLE_PREFIX is set to OUR_TABLE.