Exit points

The following two scripts are provided as custom exit points:

  • HourlyTask.dss is called every hour.
  • DailyTask.dss is called every day at midnight local time.

If all KCM Document Processors are busy processing jobs, it may take some time before a KCM Document Processor is available to run the scheduled jobs. If the delay exceeds an hour, you can run multiple hourly jobs in quick succession.

For administrative purposes, every exit point script receives the numerical parameter ScheduledTime. This parameter contains the local time (in the HHMMSS format) at which the job was scheduled for execution. You can use it as an alternative when the current local time is inappropriate.

The order in which the HourlyTask.dss and DailyTask.dss scripts are called is unspecified, but they are guaranteed not to be run at the same time on different KCM Document Processors. The default HourlyTask.dss script provided with KCM Core calls the ExpireSessions command to remove any sessions that have been either idle for more than four hours or that have existed for more than a week.