
KCM Core appends a single line to a file. KCM Core creates the file if it does not exist. KCM Core terminates the line by a CR/LF pair.


   Unicode(<True or False>)
   ByteOrderMark(<True or False>);


  • File: Required. The file to which the line is appended.
  • Message: Required. The line appended to the file.
  • Unicode: Optional. Indicates whether the line is written in Unicode or in the local code page.

    If this parameter is not present or its value is False, KCM Core writes the line in the single-byte code page of the system. If this parameter is True, KCM Core writes the line as double-byte Unicode characters.

  • ByteOrderMark: Optional. Indicates whether a byte order mark (BOM) should be written at the beginning of a new file. This parameter has no effect for non-Unicode encodings. It also has no effect if the target file already exists.

    If this parameter is not present or its value is False, KCM Core does not write a byte order mark. If this parameter is True, and the target file does not yet exist, KCM Core writes a byte order mark at the start of the file to indicate the Unicode encoding of the file.