
The CcmComposerUIAPIV1.Model.RunCallbacks call returns a RunCallbacks object that can be passed to the Start call. The call takes a single object as an argument. From this object, the following attributes are registered as a callback:

  • onruncompleted. Function(RunInfo, Result). This function is called when the interactive document composition is completed successfully. During the callback, RunInfo and Result objects are passed. The element identified by the elementid parameter on the Start call contains the last form that was presented to the end user during the interactive document composition.

    If the call does not contain any form, see RunInfo for the attribute hasbeeninteractive.

  • onrunsuspended. Function(RunInfo). This function is called when the interactive document composition is suspended by the user. During the callback, RunInfo object is passed. The element identified by the elementid parameter on the Start call contains the last form that was presented to the end user during the interactive document composition.

    If the call does not contain any form, see RunInfo for the attribute hasbeeninteractive.

  • onrunfailed. Function(RunInfo, Error). This function is called when the interactive document composition is completed in an error state. During the callback, RunInfo and Error objects are passed.
  • onerror. Function(RunInfo, Error). This function is called when an error occurs during the interactive document composition, but the process continues. During the callback, RunInfo and Error objects are passed.