Closed Loop Identifier

The Closed Loop Identifier provides an identification passed to each template and included into the resulting metadata XML and in the metadata of the resulting Document Pack. The Closed Loop Identifier parameter on ITPRun provides the initial value. Templates can change or extend the value to provide alternative or more detailed identification for each result document in a Document Pack.

The Template scripting language can access the Closed Loop Identifier through the following built-in Field Sets:

  • _Template.ClosedLoopIdentifier: Read-only

    Contains the value of the Closed Loop Identifier as provided to the ITPRun command.

  • _Document.ClosedLoopIdentifier: Writable

    Contains the current value of the Closed Loop Identifier. The Template can change this value. The value at the end of the template is used to identify the result documents in the Document Pack.

For Document Templates executed directly, _Document.ClosedLoopIdentifier is initially equal to _Template.ClosedLoopIdentifier.

In the context of a Document Pack Template, the precursor template can override the initial value of the _Document.ClosedLoopIdentifier field. The resulting value of this field is used as the initial value for _Document.ClosedLoopIdentifier in each of the subsequent Document Templates defined in the Document Pack Template.