Add a new contract type to a contract

The /AddContractTypeToContract command adds a new contract type to an existing contract.

This command will fail if the contract has an associated instance and this instance does not support the added contract type. So, before adding a contract type to such an active contract, make sure that the KCM instance contains all KCM Core scripts that are required by the interfaces of the added contract type. After adding the scripts, use the /ProcessRegistrationFile command to make sure that the new capabilities will also be recognized by the Contract Manager.


This command has the following parameters and flags:


Required / Optional Description
/Partner Required The partner of the contract.
/Customer Required The customer of the contract.
/Name Required Name of the contract type.
/Version Required Version number of the contract type.


The following example demonstrates how the contract type CCMDistribution of the version 1 can be added to the contract between the partner Northwind and the customer Futterkiste.

ManageCM /AddContractTypeToContract /Partner=Northwind
             /Customer=Futterkiste /Name=CCMDistribution /Version=1