Run function in streaming

The Run function performs these actions for the streaming component:

  1. Moves the input stack to the Busy status.
  2. Creates stream files for the stack that contain instructions for page modifications, and an information file. The stream files are internal at this step, and they are stored in the internal storage folder.
  3. Moves the input stack back to the Waiting status and updates the stack type to "Convert (30)".


The Run function does not have any input parameters. It searches the run-time database for a stack in the Waiting status and stack type "Streaming (20)." If multiple records are available, it is not determined which one is selected.


If a stack is processed successfully, Run returns its stack identifier, represented as a string. If no stack is available, Run returns the empty string.

If an error is encountered, the Run function moves the input stack to the Error status and sets the error message.

It is safe to call the Run function from different processes simultaneously, even if they transform stacks from the same run-time database.