Remove a contract type from a contract

The /RemoveContractTypeFromContract command removes a contract type from a contract.


This command has the following parameters and flags:


Required / Optional Description
/Partner Required The partner of the contract.
/Customer Required The customer of the contract.
/Name Required Name of the contract type.
/Version Required Version number of the contract type.
/Force Optional See the note below for details.

If a contract has an active instance associated with it, removing a contract type may remove functionality in use. Use the /Force flag to ignore the active instance and implicitly remove the contract type. Also, you cannot remove the last contract type from a contract.


The following example demonstrates how to remove the contract type CCMDistribution of the version 1 from the contract between the partner Northwind and the customer Futterkiste.

ManageCM /RemoveContractTypeFromContract 
           /Partner=Northwind /Customer=Futterkiste
           /Name=CCMDistribution /Version=1