You can use EXTRA variables to pass information from an application to KCM Templates. A list of values for EXTRA variables is passed to KCM Core at runtime. If no values are provided, the user is prompted interactively to provide the information.

Interaction requires that the Template is used from KCM ComposerUI for HTML5.

There are three types of EXTRA variables: TEXT, NUMBER, and BOOL.

EXTRA TEXT name_variable 
   LEN ( length )
   DFT ( "standard value" ) 
   PROMPT ( "prompt parameter" )
   VALUES ( "value list" )
   CHOICE ( "choice parameter" )

EXTRA NUMBER name_variable
   LEN ( length ) 
   DFT ( "standard value" ) 
   PROMPT ( "prompt parameter" ) 
   VALUES ( "value list" ) 
   CHOICE ( "choice parameter" ) 

EXTRA BOOL name_variable 
   PROMPT ( "prompt parameter" ) 
   DFT ( "standard value" ) 

The variable declared with the EXTRA keyword is treated as a regular variable after declaration. It must match the naming restraints that apply for these variables.

The EXTRA declaration can have several parameters. The LEN parameter is required, the other parameters only have an effect when the user is interactively queried to provide a value. The parameters are used to provide an interactive query to the user. They are not used to validate input provided by an application.

For Document Pack Templates the Extras variables are only supported in the Data preparation template. The Data preparation template results in a Data Backbone XML that is used as input for other templates in the document pack template.