Group the FORM content in TABLE

Use the BEGINTABLE…ENDTABLE instruction to show QUESTIONs and TEXTBLOCKs next to each other in a table.

BEGINTABLE "Table title"

The keyword BEGINTABLE is followed by the title of a table. The table title is of type TEXT. This text may contain HTML instructions that are passed to KCM ComposerUI Server. This allows parts of the table title text to appear in bold or to insert a linefeed. A slash is the KCM escape character. Therefore, an HTML closing tag may look as follows: <//b>. Using incorrect HTML tags may result in damaged layout.

You can specify the table content using one or more BEGINROW…ENDROW instructions between the keywords BEGINTABLE and ENDTABLE.


Each BEGINROW…ENDROW instruction defines a single row in a table. You can specify the row contents using QUESTIONs, TEXTBLOCKs, and groups between the keywords BEGINROW and ENDROW. The title text of QUESTIONs is ignored by the table construct. As an alternative, TEXTBLOCKs can be used to define headers for the table columns or rows.

Including the same number of elements (QUESTIONs, TEXTBLOCKs, and groups) within each BEGINROW…ENDROW instruction.

TEXT answer1
TEXT answer2
TEXT answer3
TEXT answer4
FORM "This is an example of a form"
  BEGINTABLE "An example of a table"
       TEXTBLOCK "Question 1"
       TEXTBLOCK "Question 2"
       QUESTION ""
       ANSWER answer1
       QUESTION ""
       ANSWER answer2 
       QUESTION ""
       ANSWER answer3
       QUESTION ""
       ANSWER answer4 

In the example, the instructions result in a table with three rows and two columns. The first row only contains text and provides the table header.