
The DistributeDocumentPackToOutputManagement command distributes a zipped Document Pack and an Import Request XML to the KCM Batch & Output Management Input Request folder, which is the destination folder.

The command retrieves the destination folder, which can be configured with the OutputManagementHotfolder parameter in the Contract Manager (for a description of the parameter, see the Kofax Communications Manager Installation Guide). When the Output Management Hotfolder is not available, the command uses the destination folder entered for its optional OutputManagementFolder parameter (see the description of this parameter later in this section).

If you do not already have a zipped Document Pack file, you can use the SaveDocumentPack command (see SaveDocumentPack). The result file of this command is the zipped Document Pack with the name that can be specified in the DocumentPackZip parameter.

The command DistributeDocumentPackToOutputManagement requires a session. The DistributionName under which the zipped Document Pack and the Import Request XML are distributed is available as get_sessionparameter under the key _outputmanagement_distribute_name.

This command does not validate the zipped Document Pack or Import Request XML.


  • DocumentPackZip: The name of the zipped Document Pack to be distributed to KCM Batch & Output Management.
  • RequestXml: An Import Request XML that conforms to CcmBomRequest.xsd. This XML must contain a valid Import Request to be picked up by KCM Batch & Output Management. For more information on the Import Request XML, see the Batch & Output Management Getting Started Guide.
  • OutputManagementFolder: Optional. A destination folder to distribute to. The value of this parameter is only used if the Output Management Hotfolder destination cannot be retrieved from the Contract Manager. This may occur if the OutputManagementHotfolder parameter was not configured for a contract, or when this command is used in a script that is not executed through the Contract Manager.


 Var Text DocumentPack = "c:\temp\documentpack.zip"; 
 Var Text ImportRequest = "c:\temp\importrequest.xml";


Var Text DistributionName = get_sessionparameter(" _outputmanagement_distribute_name ");