Request format

The MQSeries interface for KCM Core supports two different formats for job submission: a coded string or an XML message.

  • Coded string

Each request is specified as a single string of characters that has the following format.


Where <s> is a single character that does not occur in the parameter data. Both the job identifier and the Service name may not be empty and the request must end with the separator. The parameters are optional. The separator can be any character except a NULL character ("\0"), because the MQSeries code page translation treats a NULL character as the end of the string.


 #ITP Job#runmdl#order#

In this example, the # character is used as the separator.

  • XML message

Each request is put in an XML message. The content of the message is mostly free, however, the interface looks for an <itp:job> element containing the job submission information. This element has the following format.

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<itp:job version="1" id="jobid">
    <itp:service>service name</itp:service>
        <itp:parameter>parameter 1 data</itp:parameter>
        <itp:parameter>parameter 2 data</itp:parameter>

jobid with the identification of the job.

service name with the name of the service to call.

parameter n data with the value of the nth parameter.

The XML message should start with <?xml. <?xml has to be the first five characters in the request string; otherwise, the request fails.