Map job request parameters to script parameters

KCM Core passes the parameters in a job request to the corresponding Service script in the order they are listed in the job request. Then, these parameters need to be mapped to the script parameters known by their name. To learn how to map parameters, see Start a new Service.

The result of the mapping appears in the dp.ini file of the KCM Core folder {path}\core\Config.

Evaluation of expressions proceeds in the following way:

  • Each call must start with the name of the Service required.
  • Each expression $ n is replaced by the nth parameter specified in the call. If the call does not have an nth parameter, the value of the expression becomes empty.
  • Other expressions are passed unmodified.

If an expression passed, such as the actual value passed in the job request, evaluates to an empty value, KCM Core treats the corresponding parameter as undefined. This results in an error if the parameter is required.


Mapping for parameters

You can set a value instead of a sequence number on the Service tab of the Service node in KCM Core Administrator.