Define a channel

  1. On the toolbar, click Select System to choose the system where to store the channel.
  2. In the Navigator pane, on the Folder View tab, select the folder where to store the channel.
  3. In the lower Navigator pane, click New > Channel.
  4. Type the name for the channel.

    A new tab appears.

  5. In the Output behavior section, select Separate for electronic output or Combined for print output.
    • Communications for combined channels are distributed by these processes: CCM_PrintDelivery, CCM_Bundling, CCM_Stacking, CCM_Streaming, CCM_Conversion, and CCM_Distribution. The documents of the communication processed in this sequence are combined into one result.
    • Communications for separate channels are distributed directly by the CCM_ElectronicDelivery process. The exit point script in this process receives the documents of the communication separately.
  6. For combined channels, to enable CCM_Bundling to compose additional cover letters for envelopes distributed over this channel, in the Cover letter section, check Enable creation of cover letter and then fill in the Name and Project of the Document Pack Template for this cover letter. The name and project are case-sensitive.

    Additionally, you need to configure the composition of cover letters in the bundling component with the AddChannelCoverLetter function. For more information, see the section Bundling component functions in the Kofax Communications Manager Batch & Output Management Scripting Language Developer's Guide.

  7. In the Composition document format section, select the formats to be used by KCM Core for composing documents for this channel.

    • The document formats can be configured separately for Cover letter slot and for Other slots. These settings apply to all Document Pack Templates.

    • Possible options include Word (.doc or .docx), HTML, PDF, and XML.

      For combined channels, Word must always be configured as a possible option, both for Cover letter slot and for Other slots. Otherwise, Batch and Output Management will not be able to derive a printable format for the composition output.

    • The configured formats impact only slots that contain Document Templates. Slots with import or static documents are always composed in their respective format.

    • You can select multiple formats for each option: in this case, KCM Core produces multiple formats for the channel.

    • The order of formats can be organized with the help of arrow buttons. The first format on the list becomes the default representation of the slot, while the others become alternative representations. For more information about representation of the slots within a Document Pack, see section Manipulate content of a Document Pack in the Kofax Communications Manager Core Scripting Language Developer's Guide.

  8. Save the changes.