Using KCM B&OM

Using KCM B&OM for the first time involves the following steps:

  1. Install KCM Interactive.

    See the Kofax Communications Manager Installation Guide.

  2. Create a Document Pack Template in KCM Designer.

    See the KCM Designer Help.

  3. Define slot and correspondence types to associate with the Document Pack Template.

    See Define slot and correspondence types.

  4. Configure contact data and organizational metadata.

    See Define contact data and organizational metadata.

  5. Create and apply application, correspondence, or communication rules.

    See Create application, correspondence, and communication rules.

  6. Create a request XML and store it in the watch folder.

    See Create requests.

  7. Configure the standard processes.

    See About standard processes and Configure standard processes.

  8. Start the standard processes step by step from KCM Studio or using Windows Service Host.
  9. Retrieve the produced print file from the output folder.

When you continue to use KCM B&OM, you may add new content by creating additional Document Pack Templates, correspondence types, and slot types. Additionally, you may also define channels to create different distribution methods for the output, or to implement archiving (see Define channels).