Available ITP_ styles in Word output

The following built-in ITP_ styles are used to lay out a Text Block:

  • ITP_<style identifier>. Paragraph style as defined in the Paragraph styles section of the Text Block Style lists in the Project.
  • ITP_<style identifier>_x. Paragraph style with indentation. This style is used for Text Blocks that use indentation. Replace x with the level of indentation.
  • ITP_numbered_list. Basic style for a numbered list.
  • ITP_numbered_list_x. Additional style for a numbered list. Replace x with the level of nesting.
  • ITP_bullet_list. Basic style for a bulleted list.
  • ITP_bullet_list_x. Additional style for a bulleted list. Replace x with the level of nesting.
  • ITP_table. Basic style for a table.

You can find the sample Text Block Style document that contains these ITP_ styles in the Style Documents folder of a new KCM Repository DOC or DOCX project. By default, this document is configured as the Style Document (Style Sheet) on the project. You can use the styles on your Text Blocks in KCM Repository or copy them to a Style Sheet in KCM Designer.

For more information about style identifiers, refer to the following topic of the KCM Designer Help: Define Text Block Styles.

Whenever you manually add these ITP_ styles to a Style Sheet, verify that the names correspond exactly to those on the list.