Document Pack processing requests

Both the CCMInteractive and CCMDistribution contract types offer functionality for processing Document Packs that have been generated earlier.

Review calls

The DocumentPackInteractiveReview call in the CCMInteractive V2 contract type gives you the ability to take an existing document pack and have the user review it by means of a reviewing tool. See DocumentPackInteractiveReviewV1.

Modification calls

If the user finds any errors during the review, use the DocumentPackInteractiveModify and DocumentPackInteractiveModifyFromReview calls to enable the user to interactively correct any interactive answers that were provided earlier for a particular document pack.

These calls restart the interactive process that was used to create the document pack, but with all answers of the initial or main composition already filled out in the interactive forms.

For more information on the Document Pack Template modification process, see Document Pack Template rerun.

See the following sections about the calls to use: DocumentPackInteractiveModifyV1 and DocumentPackInteractiveModifyFromReviewV1.

You cannot modify a Document Pack created from a Document Pack Template that contains import documents in optional slots if at least one of these optional import documents is not part of the Document Pack.

Conversion calls

The CCMInteractive contract type contains a DocumentPackConvert call that gives you the ability to convert documents in the pack. The call converts all DOCX or DOC documents that are present in the document pack to the specified output format. The resulting document is placed next to the existing document in the document pack, so the document pack is augmented with the files in the requested format. See DocumentPackConvertV1.

Distribution calls

To distribute a previously created document pack, use the DocumentPackDistribute call. See DocumentPackDistributeV1.

The actual Distribution functionality is defined in the KCM Core DistributeDocumentPack exit point.

Distributing to KCM Batch & Output Management

To import composed document packs into KCM Batch & Output Management, use the DocumentPackDistributeOutputManagementV1 call of the CCMDistribution V2 contract type (see DocumentPackDistributeOutputManagementV1).

This call distributes a composed document pack along with an Import Request XML to the KCM Batch & Output Management Input Request folder. The Import Request XML contains an import request that conforms to CcmRequest.xsd. The import request is picked up by KCM Batch & Output Management for further distribution.

The call returns the name under which the document pack and import request have been imported into KCM Batch & Output Management, which means that the distribution to the Hotfolder is successful.


To use the DocumentPackDistributeOutputManagementV1 call, you need to configure the /OutputManagementHotfolder= parameter for a contract using the ManageCM tool. For more information, see the sections Create a contract and Change properties of a contract in the Kofax Communications Manager Installation Guide.

Signing calls

To have the ability to hand off composed document packs to Kofax SignDoc, use the DocumentPackSign call, which resides in the CCMDistribution contract type. See DocumentPackSignV1.

This call creates a Kofax SignDoc signing package from the Microsoft Word DOCX files and the PDF documents in the document pack. Kofax SignDoc subsequently ensures that the documents in this signing package get signed.

Document Pack signing

Currently, Kofax Communications Manager only supports signing Microsoft Word DOCX files and PDF files. The document pack must contain at least one DOCX file that contains a signature line. Kofax SignDoc uses these lines to determine the signer of this particular document.

Signing proceeds for all DOCX or DOC files and all PDF files in the document pack. If a document has both a DOCX or DOC version and a PDF version in the same document pack slot, only the DOCX version ends up in the signing package. Some documents may contain multiple signature lines and others may contain none.

For all signers in a document pack, SignDoc verifies that:

  • DOCX or DOC files that have a signature line for that signer get signed
  • DOCX or DOC files that have no signature line for that signer get marked as viewed
  • PDF files that have no DOCX or DOC equivalent get marked as viewed

See the SignDoc documentation for information on this signing process and how signature lines are related to signers.

DocumentPackSign reports an error if a document pack contains static or other documents that are not in DOCX, DOC, or PDF format. This may be the case for static documents. If that is the case, DocumentPackSign reports an error.


Kofax Communications Manager requires a proper SignDoc API key with sufficient rights to be passed on the DocumentPackSign call.

SignDoc uses API keys to authenticate callers. This key is generated on the Kofax SignDoc UI when a user account is created. To find the API key generated by Kofax SignDoc, the user has to navigate to the preference page of the user's individual account. There the user can find a separate section for API keys. See the Kofax SignDoc documentation for more information.

Signing package identification

Kofax SignDoc identifies signing packs through an ID. This ID is currently mandatory. If a caller does not specify an ID, an error is reported. The ID can contain alphanumerical characters, minus signs, and underscores. If the key already exists, the DocumentPackSign call reports an error. The DocumentPackSign call does not overwrite existing signing packages.

The passed ID is returned by the DocumentPackSing call. Although the returned ID is currently the same as the one passed as input, we advise the returned ID for use in your application for future reference to this document pack.