Included documents

You can use the _INC(filename) statement to include documents in your DID. Such documents are called subdocuments. You need to manually add the subdocument to include in the Includes folder located in the DIDs folder. When processing the DID, KCM then replaces the _INC(filename) instruction with the contents of the filename file from the Includes folder.

In your DID document, place the instruction _INC(filename) on a single line, after the DEFINE_DID statement. KCM ignores all text before DEFINE_DID.

The _INC instruction cannot contain spaces, line breaks, or formatting instructions (bold, italics or other) between the underscore and the closing bracket. The file name cannot contain letters with special accents, such as ö, é, or ñ.

KCM allows multiple levels of subdocuments. The number and size of included documents are limited by the amount of available memory.

If the process fails to include a subdocument, it continues to search for other subdocuments.