Initialize new KCM component using existing configuration

You can use the configuration of an existing KCM component to initialize a new KCM component, including KCM Docker containers. For that, perform the following steps:

  1. Export the configuration of an existing KCM component into a single file.
  2. For the Contract Manager, pass this file as the ContractManager!ImportConfigurationFile parameter to StartContractManager.exe.
  3. For a KCM instance, pass this file as the Instance!ImportConfigurationFile parameter to StartInstance.exe.

The configuration export is supported for the Contract Manager and KCM instances starting from KCM version 5.2.0 and later. The support is provided both for regular and Docker KCM installations.

A file can only be imported in a particular KCM version if has been created by the export tools that are included in that KCM version. That is, to import a configuration into the KCM latest version, you need to have exported that configuration with the export tools of the latest KCM version you are using.