
To configure the CCM_Conversion standard process, you need to adjust the properties of the Conversion component.

Also, you can change the Conversion component configuration functions to change the process behavior. See the section Conversion component functions in the Kofax Communications Manager Batch & Output Management Scripting Developer's Guide.

Conversion relies on the DocBridge library to carry out file handling.

  1. In the Navigator upper pane, select the folder. In the Navigator lower pane, find and double-click CCM_Conversion.

    The process appears in the central pane.

  2. Click Conversion Processing component in the lower central pane.
  3. In the Object Inspector pane on the right, configure the following Conversion properties, if applicable.

    • ConvertOptions. Optional. A comma-separated list of custom conversion options, which are passed to DocBridge. For more information, see ConvertOptions property.
    • LicenseFileName. Full path to the DocBridge license file.
    • OutputFormat. Format in which the output print file is written, such as AFP, PCL, PDF, POS, PXL, and TIFF. Only output formats for which an output filter is configured in the DocBridge license file are supported.
    • ProfilePath. Folder where DocBridge looks for profiles.
    • TraceFileName. Name of the file where DocBridge writes log messages.

      The actual trace file name is composed of the name you specify in this property, plus the process name, component name, and Windows process identifier.


      If you specify the file name as C:\KCM\Work\<KCM version>\Output Management\Logs\Compart_trace.txt, it becomes: C:\KCM\Work\<KCM version>\Output Management\Logs\Compart_trace_CCM_Conversion_Conversion_8796.txt.

      When this property is left empty, no trace file is written.

    • TraceLevel. Log level for DocBridge.

  4. Click the Save button in the upper left corner to save the changes.

    The changes are saved in the process itself and only affect the Conversion component of CCM_Conversion.