Dump and load the Repository database

Repository content can be dumped and loaded into a new or existing database using the repdump and repload tools. This can help, for example, to migrate the KCM Repository database to another DBMS.

  • The repdump tool helps you to dump the entire contents of the KCM Repository database to a file.
  • The repload tool can load dump files from a KCM Repository installation version 5.2.0 and later.
For versions earlier than 5.2.0, you must use the same repload tool version as the version used to create the dump.

Both tools reside in: <deploy root>\KCM\Programs\<version>\ITPMDKRepositoryServer.

Syntax of the tools

Repdump /cfg=<path-to-config> "path\database dumpfile name" [/dbpwd=<password>]

Repload /cfg=<path-to-config> "path\dumped file name" [/cleardatabase] [/dbpwd=<password>]


  • cfg=<path-to-config> — the path to the itprep.ini file for the KCM instance: <deploy root>\KCM\Work\<version>\Instance_<num>\designer\Config\itprep.ini.
  • dbpwd=<password> — the database password necessary to connect to the KCM Repository database.
If you change the database password to a plain text in the itprep.ini file, the password will be encrypted once connected to the database (see [ODBC]). If you do so for the repdump tool or repload tool, the password of the account your tool is running under will be encrypted. In case it is a different account than KCM Repository is running under, it might prevent KCM Repository from decrypting the password again if you use the same itprep.ini file.

Using the tools

  • You must run repdump.exe and repload.exe on the server that runs KCM Repository.
  • Both tools need to be run under the same account as the KCM Repository Server. If this is not possible, you can run them supplying the password for database access in the /dbpwd=<password> parameter.
  • Before using repload.exe, create a new database or select an existing database that can be emptied and refilled. If you use an existing database, use the /cleardatabase flag to empty the database, since the content of a database dump file cannot be added to the content of an existing KCM Repository database.

    The /cleardatabase flag deletes all content in the database of the loading KCM Repository. Use it with caution.

  • Before loading a file, stop the KCM Repository service.
  • After loading the contents of a previous version, you need to upgrade the database to the current version.
    1. Locate cvc.exe, which resides in the <deploy root>\KCM\Programs\<version>\ITPMDKRepositoryServer folder.

    2. Restart KCM Repository Server and run cvc.exe.

Repdump.exe and log file

If you run the repdump.exe tool without any parameters, it does not create a log file.

If you run the repdump.exe tool with parameters, the logging behavior depends on whether repdump.exe has access to itprep.ini:

  • If itprep.ini with a configured log file is present in the same location, repdump.exe writes log in that log file.

  • If the log file is not configured or there is no itprep.ini file in the same location, repdump.exe creates a log file called repdump.log at the location where it is run and writes to this log file.