Set the identifier for revisions

When development takes place on a project that was imported, it can be relevant to see whether a revision originated from the exporting Repository or was edited locally. This can be achieved by assigning an identification mark or word as a postfix to revision numbers wherever a revision is listed. This postfix is added to each new revision, indicating in which Repository it was created.

The postfix must be set by the administrator. Typically, it is a code with a limited number of characters such as "dev" for a development KCM Repository, or "prod" for a production KCM Repository. We advise that you use a short code because the postfix is also used in the tree view, where space is limited, to show the origin of imported objects.

  1. To set the identifier, on the menu, click Action > Installation properties.
  2. Enter the revision number postfix.

  3. Optionally, you may provide a Repository Role and Repository Role signaling color. They are used in the status bar of KCM Designer for Windows. When you have multiple active Repository installations, this may help you quickly identify in which one you are working.

  4. Click OK.