Installation options

This section describes different approaches to KCM installation.

KCM is designed for maximum flexibility and scalability. The installation tools provided with the KCM package vary from a basic sandbox option that results in a ready-to-use product deployed on a single server complete with a sample project, to a range of installation tools that you can use to create a distributed KCM configuration on multiple servers and/or Docker containers by deploying individual KCM components wherever you choose.

Depending on the security concerns of your organization or the computational demands of your documentation processes, you can create a custom configuration of KCM components that will suit your needs best.

  1. Basic KCM installation

  2. Contract Manager installation:

  3. KCM Instance installation:

  4. Batch & Output Management installation

  5. KCM Management App installation

Docker restrictions

Kofax Communications Manager provides almost the same support for KCM functionality on Docker as for installations on regular servers, with the following restrictions:

  • Batch & Output Management cannot be installed on a Docker container. Instead, it is possible to install Batch & Output Management on a regular server and connect it to a KCM instance on a Docker container.

    The following interfaces can only be used if Batch & Output Management is installed on the Docker host itself, as they require the Contract Manager to communicate to Batch & Output Management through a shared folder:

    • DocumentPack.Distribute.OutputManagement

    • KTA.ComposeAndDistribute.OM.DocumentPack

    • KTA.Distribute.OM.DocumenPack

    • KTA.Distribute.OM.DocumenPackFromSession

  • Due to Microsoft limitations, Kofax Communications Manager does not support installation of Microsoft Word on Docker containers. Thus, KCM instances on Docker do not have Word Processor support, and certain KCM/KCM Core scripting features are not available. This includes printing Word documents, running macros, or converting to PDF using Word. For the latter, KCM will automatically use Rendition instead.

  • When installed on Docker containers, Kofax Communications Manager only supports Microsoft Word DOCX documents, which is the default XML-based file format. When installed on Docker containers, Kofax Communications Manager does not support legacy DOC documents, which is the Microsoft Word 97-2003 Document file format. This restriction applies to the usage of DOC files, including but not limited to templates, import documents, file conversion, printing, and Batch & Output Management communications.