KCM Control Center

A central web application that monitors the entire KCM installation.

You can access KCM Control Center at the following address: https://<host>:<port>/kcmcontrolcenter, where:

  • <host> is the host name of the KCM server where KCM Control Center is installed.
  • <port> is the value of the PublicPorts!ControlCenter parameter specified when you ran the Install.exe or AddKCM.exe tool.

Servers Overview

This page displays a list of servers registered with KCM Control Center.

The following information about every server is available:

  • The host name of the server as seen from server where KCM Control Center is installed. To access the details of the server, click the host name.

    This page provides general information, information about components that have been installed on the server, and information about the Tomcat services that are running on the server.

    You can click a component's name to open the page with information about this component and its sub-components. This option is available for Contract Manager and Instances. If you access the component page for a KCM Instance, you can also see information about services specific to this Instance that are running on the server.

    To go back to the servers overview, use the breadcrumb button.

    After installation, you can only see the host name of the server where KCM Control Center is installed. It is an internal host name and may differ from the <host> value in the address described above.

  • An optional description of the server.

  • The port where you can access the Management Service of the server. To obtain the correct value, you can run the InfoPorts.exe tool on the server.

All entries on this page are editable, and you can change the host name, description, and port at will. You can also add and remove entries.

Adding a remote server

When you add a server to KCM Control Center, you must provide the server's API key. To obtain the key, follow the steps described below:

  1. Log in at the remote server.

  2. Navigate to the Programs\5.8\Management folder of the KCM installation.

  3. Run InfoKCM.exe with the Services!Password parameter.

You can only configure the server API key when you add the server to KCM Control Center. It cannot be modified afterwards.

Additional authorization: server API keys

When you add, edit, or remove a server entry, you are prompted to provide the server API key of the KCM Control Center. To obtain this key, follow the steps described below:

  1. Log in to the KCM Control Center server.

  2. Navigate to the Programs\5.8\Management folder of the KCM installation.

  3. Run InfoKCM.exe with the Services!Password parameter.

Additionally, when you add a server entry, you must also provide the server API key of the server being added. To obtain this key, log in to the remote server and run InfoKCM.exe in the same way as for the KCM Control Center. This server API key can only be configured when you add the server to KCM Control Center. It cannot be modified afterwards.

Changing the server API key

The server API key is a communication password that must be kept secret. If the key has been compromised, you must generate a new one.

  1. Log in to the server whose API key was compromised.

  2. Navigate to the Programs\5.8\Management folder of the KCM installation.

  3. If the server has KCM Control Center, stop it with StopControlCenter.exe.

  4. Run the GenerateNewServerApiKey.exe tool and specify the Services!Password parameter.

  5. Copy and save the new server API key displayed in the console.

  6. Run StartControlCenter.exe to start KCM Control Center again, if it was stopped.

  7. Open KCM Control Center, navigate to the Servers page and remove the server.

  8. Add the server again using the new server API key.

Viewing log files

You can view the KCM log files of any registered server in KCM Control Center.

  1. Open KCM Control Center and navigate to the Servers page.

  2. Click the link to the required server.

  3. In the General section located at the top of the page, click the ellipsis button.

  4. Select the View Log Files option. In the displayed dialog window, select the component for which you want to see the log files. If the component has multiple logs, select the required log file.

    Initially, KCM Control Center only displays the last lines of the log file. To view the entire log file, select Show entire file. Depending on the file size, it may take some time to load the entire file.

    The dialog window caches the contents of the log file. When you switch between different log files, remember to click the Refresh icon to get the latest version of the log file from the server.

    When a log file rotates, KCM Control Center displays the latest version of the file.

You can also view a log file for a specific Contract Manager or an Instance.

  1. Open KCM Control Center and navigate to the Servers page.

  2. Click the link to the required server.

  3. Click the link to the required Contract Manager or Instance.

  4. In the General section located at the top of the page, click the ellipsis button.

  5. Select the View Log Files option. In the displayed dialog window, you can only view the log files for the selected Contract Manager or Instance.